Version 4.4.0 release notes

1. Core library

  • .NET Core 2.1 support in the core library and samples.
  • DbGate components update: using the latest version of connectors.
  • ReadOnly property processing for the root predicate.
  • Ignore option in EqEntityAttribute. It allows to exclude some properties from the data model.
  • Fixed: Wrong behviaour of EqServiceProviderDb when LoadModelFromConnection is set to true.

2. JavaScript

  • Totally new (more convenient) UI for FilterBar widget.
  • A possibility to pass to buildAndExecute function only queryId and modelId instead of a full query object.
  • onError event - how you can setup a special handler for errors.
  • onProcessStart / onProcessEnd events which can be used to show a progress bar/spinner on long operations (like model loading).
  • refreshModelOnSync option - now you can update your model during query synchronization.
  • Fixed: the problem with sorting on "custom expression" columns.
  • Fixed: wrong behavior of Query.addSimpleCondition method .
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