EqServiceProvider class

Class EqServiceProviderDb. Provides basic functionality for building EasyQuery service to process AJAX requests from EasyQuery JavaScript widgets. Can be used to create MVC controller, WebService class or WebAPI controller

public abstract class Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EqServiceProvider


Type Name Description
Func<String, String> CacheGetter Gets or sets the session getter - a delegate that returns an object stored in Session by its name.
Action<String, String> CacheSetter Gets or sets the session setter - an anonymous function which store some object into session.
String DataPath Gets or sets the path to the folder where (by default implemention) the model and the queries will be stored.
String DefaultModelId Gets or sets the default name of the model. This model will loaded automatically if the name was not indicated explicitly
QueryFormats Formats Gets or sets the formats passed to before SQL generation.
DataModel Model
Func<DataModel> ModelCreator Gets or sets the model creator - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to create a new model object.
Action<DataModel, String> ModelLoader Gets or sets the model loader - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to load model by name.
PagingSettings Paging Holds different pagination settings.
Query Query
Func<Query, JsonDict, IQueryBuilder> QueryBuilder Gets or sets the query builder - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to build query and returns either an SQL statement or IQueryable object
Func<Query> QueryCreator Gets or sets the query creator - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to create a new query object.
Func<String, IEnumerable<QueryListItem>> QueryListResolver Gets or sets the query list resolver - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to get list of available queries
Action<Query, String> QueryLoader Gets or sets the query loader - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to load query by name.
Action<String> QueryRemover
Action<Query, String> QuerySaver Gets or sets the query saver - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to save query by name.
Action<Query> QuerySynchronizer Syncs query passed in parameter with the one stored in cache (if applied)
Boolean StoreModelInCache Gets or sets a value indicating whether data model will be stored in Session between requests.
Boolean StoreQueryInCache Gets or sets a value indicating whether current query will be stored in Session between requests.
String UserId
Func<String, IEnumerable<ListItem>> ValueListResolver Gets or sets the value list resolver - a delegate (anonymous function) which is called to get list of values by the list name


Type Name Description
QueryBuilderResult BuildQuery(Query query, JsonDict optionsDict = null, Boolean addPaging = False) Builds SQL statement by the DbQuery object. This methods calls QueryBuilder delegate to build SQL.
QueryBuilderResult BuildQueryDict(JsonDict queryDict, JsonDict optionsDict = null) Builds the query dictionary.
DataModel CreateModel() Creates new DataModel object
Query CreateQuery() Creates new DbQuery object.
QueryFormats CreateQueryFormats() Creates new QueryFormats object
void DefaultModelLoader(DataModel model, String modelId) Default implementation of the model loader Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EqServiceProvider.ModelLoader.
IEnumerable<QueryListItem> DefaultQueryListResolver(String modelId)
void DefaultQueryLoader(Query query, String queryId) Default implementation of the query loader Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EqServiceProvider.QueryLoader.
void DefaultQueryRemover(String queryId) Default implementation of the query remover Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EqServiceProvider.QueryRemover.
void DefaultQuerySaver(Query query, String queryId) Default implementation of the query saver Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EqServiceProvider.QuerySaver.
IEqResultSet ExecuteQuery(Query query, JsonDict optionsDict = null)
IEqResultSet ExecuteQueryCore(Query query, JsonDict optionsDict = null)
String GenerateQueryId(String name)
IEnumerable<ListItem> GetList(JsonDict optionsDict) Returns custom list of values by editorId. This method is usually called by GetList action of EasyQueryController.
IEnumerable<ListItem> GetList(JsonDict optionsDict, IQueryable<T> dbSet) Returns custom list of values by editorId. This method is usually called by GetList action of EasyQueryController.
IEnumerable<ListItem> GetListCore(ListRequestOptions options)
IEnumerable<ListItem> GetListForContext(ListRequestOptions options, IQueryable<T> dbSet)
DataModel GetModel(String modelId) Gets the DbModel object by name.
Query GetQuery(String modelId, String queryId) Gets the DbQuery object by name.
IQueryBuilder GetQueryBuilder(Query query, JsonDict optionsDict = null)
Query GetQueryByIds(JsonDict queryDict) Get query by query ID and model ID stored in JsonDict object
Query GetQueryByJsonDict(JsonDict queryDict) Get query by ID stored in JsonDict object
IEnumerable<QueryListItem> GetQueryList(String modelId) Gets the list of available queries.
String GetValueFromCache(String key) Gets some string value from session by its key.
ListRequestOptions JsonDictToListRequestOptions(JsonDict optionsDict) Converts JsonDict object to ListRequestOptions
void LoadModelFromCache(DataModel model, String modelId) Loads DataModel from cache by ID (name)
void LoadOptions(JsonDict optionsDict) Loads different options from JsonDict object (usually created by JSON deserialization).
void LoadQueryById(Query query, String queryId) Loads the query by ID. Default implementation tries to load [queryId].xml file from Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EqServiceProvider.DataPath\Queries{UserId} folder.
void LoadQueryFromCache(Query query, String queryId) Loads Query from cache by ID
Boolean RemoveQuery(String queryId)
void SaveModelInCache(DataModel model) Saves model into cache
Boolean SaveQuery(Query query)
Query SaveQueryDict(JsonDict queryDict, String newQueryName) Saves the query by its JSON representation.
void SaveQueryInCache(Query query) Saves query into cache
void SaveValueInCache(String key, String value) Stores some string value in cache.
void SyncQuery(Query query) Synchronizes the query.
Query SyncQueryDict(JsonDict queryDict) Synchronizes the query by JsonDict object.
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