Utils class

Represents different type conversion functions and other useful procedures

public static class Korzh.EasyQuery.Utils

Static Fields

Type Name Description
Regex MacroRegex

Static Properties

Type Name Description
String InternalDateFormat Gets the internal date format (yyyy-MM-dd).
String InternalTimeFormat Gets the internal time format (HH:mm:ss).

Static Methods

Type Name Description
Boolean AreCompatibleTypes(DataType type1, DataType type2) Returns true if type1 can be converted to type2.
String ComposeKey(String parent, String child) Composes the key (for attributes, entities, etc). Returns "parent.key" if both parent and key are not empty/null
Boolean ContainsNonAscii(String s) Checks string for inclusion of non-ASCII symbols.
DataKind DataKindByName(String kindName) Gets the DataKind value by its text representation.
DataType DataTypeByName(String typeName) Returns DataType value by its string representation
String DateTimeToInternalFormat(DateTime dt, DataType dataType) Converts DateTime value to its string representation in internal format (yyyy-MM-dd).
String DateTimeToUserFormat(DateTime dt, DataType dataType) Converts DateTime value to its string representation in current system format.
String FormatDateTimeValue(String val, String format, DataType dataType, Int32 timezoneOffset = 0) Formats the date time value.
CultureInfo GetCurrentCulture() Returns current culture
CultureInfo GetCurrentUICulture() Returns current UI culture
DataType GetDataTypeBySystemType(Type systemType) Gets the type of the data type by system type.
String GetDateTimeInternalFormat(DataType dataType, Boolean shortTime = False) Gets the format used for internal textual representation of date/time values. EasyQuery uses "yyyy-MM-dd" format.
String GetElementContentAsString(XmlReader reader) Reads the content of current XML element (as string)
IList<Int32> GetEnumValues(Type oEnumType) Gets all values of the enum.
IFormatProvider GetInternalFormatProvider() Gets the internal format provider. This provider defines the format used to store date/time and numeric values internally and it saved queries
DateTime GetSpecialDateByName(String name, Boolean utc)
DateTime GetSpecialDateByNameEx(String name, Boolean utc, DataType& dt)
DateTime GetSpecialDateValue(SpecialDateTime sdt, Boolean utc)
DateTime GetSpecialDateValueEx(SpecialDateTime sdt, Boolean utc, DataType& dt)
Type GetSystemTypeByDataType(DataType type) Gets the system type by data type.
Type GetSystemTypeByDataType(DataType dtype, Type defaultType) Gets the system type by data type.
DateTime InternalFormatToDateTime(String val, DataType dataType) Convert string representation in internal format to DateTime value.
Boolean IsStrNullOrEmpty(String s) Determines whether specified string is null or empty.
Boolean MatchMacro(String s, String& macroName)
Boolean MoveToAttribute(XmlReader reader, String attrName) Moves current position of XmlReader into specified attribute.
DateTime OldFormatToDateTime(String val) Convert string representation in old format to DateTime value.
Boolean SafeParseBool(String value, Boolean defValue = False) Converts the string representation of a boolean value. This method does not throw an exception. Instead - it returns some pre-defined value for unsuccessful conversions.
Int32 SafeParseInt(String s, Int32 defValue = 0) Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. This method does not throw an exception. Instead - it returns some pre-defined value for unsuccessful conversions.
String StrToIdentifier(String s) Converts any string to an identifier (changes all symbols like '.' ';' '?' etc to '_')
Boolean TextEq(String s1, String s2) Provides case-insensitive string comparision
Boolean TryGetSpecialDate(String macroName, Boolean useUtcTime, DateTime& dateVal, DataType& dt)