AggrFuncExpr class
Represents an expression which is a result of applying some functions to other expressions
AggrFunction class
Represents aggregate function
AggrFunctionList class
Represents list of [Korzh.EasyQuery.AggrFunction](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/aggrfunction-class) objects
BaseQueryBuilder class
Base class for all query builder classes like
ChangeType enum
Represents type of change that occured
Column class
Represents some column which will be queried.
ColumnAliasesUsage enum
Represents the conditions when the result SQL should include column aliases.
ColumnList class
Represents a list of columns.
ColumnsChangeEventArgs class
Provides data for [Korzh.EasyQuery.Query.ColumnsChanged](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/query-class) event
ColumnsChangingEventArgs class
Provides data for [Korzh.EasyQuery.Query.ColumnsChanging](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/query-class) event
ColumnStore class
Represents list of result columns.
Condition class
Represents one condition in the query.
ConditionList class
Represents list of conditions.
ConditionsChangeEventArgs class
Provides data for [Korzh.EasyQuery.Query.ConditionsChanged](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/query-class) event
ConditionsStore class
Represents storage of conditions linked to some Query object
ConstExpr class
Represents a constant expression (like: 423 or "Master card").
ConstListValueEditor class
Represents the constant list value editor.
ConstValueItem class
Represents one item in the list of available values for LIST value editor.
ConstValueList class
Represents list of availalbe values. Each item contain the value itself and some caption representing this value.
CustomListValueEditor class
Represents custom (user-defined) list value editor
CustomValueEditor class
Represents custom (user defined) value editor.
DataKind enum
Represents expression kinds.
DataModel class
Represents a data model
DataType enum
Represents the common types of the data.
DataTypeList class
Represents a list of DataType values.
DateTimeValueEditor class
Represents the value editor for date and/or time.
DisplayFormatParser class
Represents a special class used for parsing operator display format values.
EdgeInfo class
Represents edges for entity graph defined through
EditorsMap class
Represents editors map - the list which defines what editor will be used for a particular data type and operator.
EmptyQueryBuilderResult class
Represents a trivial implementation of QueryBuilderResult abstract class which always returns empty statement
EntAttrKind enum
Attribute kind enumeration (Data or Virtual).
Entity class
Represents one entity
EntityAttr class
Represents one entity attribute of data model.
EntityAttrExpr class
An Expression descendant which represents an attribute.
EntityAttrList class
Represents list of entity attributes
EntityAttrProp enum
Represents attribute property used in FindAttribute methods
EntityAttrStore class
Represents entity attributes storage associated with a particular entity.
EntityGraph class
Used to get the name of the collection in context
EntityList class
Represents list of entities
EntityStore class
Represents storage of entities
EOLSymbol enum
Represents the symbol (or symbols) which are used to separate lines in generated SQL statements
EqEntityAttrAttribute class
Provides a general-purpose attribute that lets you specify different options for entity attribute classes.
EqEntityAttribute class
Provides a general-purpose attribute that lets you specify different options for entity classes.
EqExpression class
Represents common expression object.
EqListValueEditorAttribute class
Assigns a "List" value editor for an entity member.
EqVersionInfo class
Static class that holds EasyQuery version info
ExprList class
Represents list of expression objects.
IConditionCreator interface
Represents special interface used for definition new (custom) types of conditions
IDefaultValuesStorage interface
Represents a storage of default values
IExpressionCreator interface
Represents special interface used for definition new (custom) types of expression
IMacroValue interface
Represents one macro value.
IProgressIndicator interface
This interface is used to assign progress indicator for different time-consuming operations
IQueryBuilder interface
Interface IQueryBuilder - represents general-purpose query builder
IValueEditorCreator interface
Internal interface used for definition new (custom) types of value editors
JsonDict class
A shorten form of Dictionary<string, object> type. It used for JSON serialization / deserialization
License class
Static class that holds license key
ListValueEditor class
Represents base abstract type of list value editors.
MacroList class
Represents a list of [Korzh.EasyQuery.IMacroValue](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/imacrovalue-interface) objects
MacroRequestEventArgs class
Provides data for [Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.MacroRequest](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/datamodel-class) event
NoPathResolution enum
The values of this type will tell Query object how to resolve the situation when two tables does not have a path between them
ObjectGraph class
Represents a graph structure. Each node in graph - is an object of type T. Properties Methods
ObjectModelType class
Represents a vertex of the entity graph defined in `Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.Graph`. Used in [Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.LoadFromContext(System.Type)](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/datamodel-class) method
Operand class
Represents one operand in some operator's expression
OperandList class
Represents list of operands.
Operator class
Represents a logical expression or predicate, like comparisions or LIKE predicate.
OperatorGroup class
Represents a group of operators
OperatorGroupList class
Represents list of operator groups
OperatorList class
Represents list of operators.
OperatorStore class
This class represents the list of operators associated with a particular DataModel
OrderByStyles enum
Represents the way fields appear in ORDER BY clause
Predicate class
Represents group of conditions linked by some logical operator (AND or OR).
Query class
Represents internal query structure.
QueryBuilderResult class
Represents the result of query builder work.
QueryFormats class
Represents different formats of statements.
QueryParam class
Represents one parameter in parametrized query statement
QueryParamList class
Represents simple list of [Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryParam](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/queryparam-class) objects.
QueryTextFormats class
Represents different formats for query text representation
RootEntity class
Represents root entity in the model
ScalarExprOptions enum
Different options used during processing of scalar values
SimpleCondExprList class
Represents list of expression for SimpleCondition object
SimpleCondition class
Represents the default condition with {field} {operator} {value} structure.
SimpleMacroValue class
Represents one macro value.
SortDirection enum
Represents sorting direction.
SortedColumnList class
Represents the list of sorted columns
SortOrderChangedEventArgs class
Provides data for [Korzh.EasyQuery.Query.SortOrderChanged](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/query-class) event
SqlListValueEditor class
Represents the list [Korzh.EasyQuery.ValueEditor](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/valueeditor-class).
SqlSyntax enum
Represents types of SQL syntax.
StringExtensions class
Compares two strings case-insatively .
StringTokenizer class
This class allows an application to break a string into tokens.
SubQueryValueEditor class
Represents the subquery value editor.
TextResources class
Manages texts for all EasyQuery Controls visual objects
TextValueEditor class
Represents the simpliest value editor.
TimeMacro class
Represents some date or time macro value ```csharp public class Korzh.EasyQuery.TimeMacro : IMacroValue
### Properties
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Int32` | Count | Gets the count of values returned by this macro |
| `DataType` | DataType | Gets macro data type. |
| `String` | ID | Gets the macro ID. |
| `String` | Value | Returns the first</p>
<div class="aist-subitem aist-subitem-article">
<h2><a href="">TimeMacroType enum</a></h2>
<p>Represents some predefined values for TimeMacro
public enum Korzh.EasyQuery.TimeMacroType
: Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
Value | Name | Description |
0 |
Today | Represents the current date |
1 |
Yesterday | Represents the yesterday date |
2 |
Tomorrow | Represents the tomorrow date |
3 |
Utils class
Represents different type conversion functions and other useful procedures
ValueEditor class
Represents an abstract value editor.
ValueEditorEntry class
Represents map between operators and value editors.
ValueEditorsList class
Represents list of value editors
ContextLoadingMapper class
Class ContextLoadingMapper.
EqJsonExtensions class
Converts Dictionary object to JSON
LinqTypeExtensions class
Determines whether the specified type is enumerable (supports `System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable` interface.
ODataQueryBuilder class
Builds OData expressions
ODataStatement class
Returns the statement (SQL, filter expression, etc - depending on the concrete QueryBuilderResult type).
SpecialDateTime enum
Represents some predefined "special" date/time values
TypeExtensions class
Determines whether specified property is a primary key.