CustomSqlExpr class

Represents a custom SQL expression

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.CustomSqlExpr
    : EqExpression


Type Name Description
EntityAttr Attribute Gets or sets the base attribute for this custom SQL expression.
Boolean IsAggregate Gets a value indicating whether this expression is aggregate.
Int32 Tag Get the expression's tag - a special identifier that is used to distinguish the type of the expression .
String Value Gets or sets the value of expression.


Type Name Description
void GetUsedTables(TableList usedTables) Returns list of tables used in condition.
void LoadFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader) Loads expression from XML.
void ReadOnePropFromJson(JsonReader reader, String propName) Reads one expression property from JSON
Task ReadOnePropFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader, String propName) Reads one expression property from JSON (asynchronous way).
void SaveToXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer, String tagName) Saves expression to XML writer.
void SetContentSilent(String val, String txt) Sets the content of the expression silently (without calling ContentChanged event).
String TagToOldClassName(Int32 tag) Converts the expression's tag value to the name of old expression class (like "CONST" or "ENTATTR").
void WritePropertiesToJson(JsonWriter writer) Writes expression properties to JSON
Task WritePropertiesToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer) Writes expression properties to JSON (asynchronous way).
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