OperatorStore class

This class represents the list of operators associated with a particular DataModel

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.OperatorStore
    : OperatorList, IList<Operator>, ICollection<Operator>, IEnumerable<Operator>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection, IReadOnlyList<Operator>, IReadOnlyCollection<Operator>


Type Name Description
void ReadFromJson(JsonReader reader) Reads all operator's properties from JSON.
Task ReadFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader) Reads all operator's properties from JSON (asynchronous way).
void RemoveItem(Int32 index) Removes the item.
void WriteToJson(JsonWriter writer) Writes all operator's properties to JSON.
Task WriteToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer) Writes all operator's properties to JSON (asynchronous way).