

Common terms Database - may refer to any data storage but in most cases we mean some relational database such as MS SQL Server, My SQL, Oracle, etc. Result set - a result of some search request (query). Usually, is presented as tabular data. Query - a search request. Query condition - one of the search terms (for example: "Customer name starts with 'A'")

How it works

The above scheme shows the general internal structure of the library and the main principles of its work. EasyQuery components All EasyQuery classes and components can be divided into two main parts: logical part (DataModel, Query, SqlQueryBuilder). the visual part (QueryPanel, ColumnsPanel, etc.). The logical part is responsible for the internal representation of data structures and user

Data Model

In short (and by its name), data model - is a model (representation) of some data stored in your database. It solves two major problems: Presents the data to the end user in a more friendly and familiar way. Contains some meta information that helps EasyQuery components to build query statements in SQL or other query languages. Any data model contains the following main sections:

Introduction to value editors

For example, value editor allows you to define a list of available values - so your users will be able to select the value from a drop-down list. "Custom list" value editor raises an event which can be processed either on the client-side or on the server. All other editions of EasyQuery (WinForms, WebForms, WPF or Silverlight) has ListRequest event in QueryPanel control which is raised when a user adds an attribute (or operator) with Custom List or SQL list value editor assigned to that attribute/operator. Here we show how you can filter the returned list according to the value specified for some other attribute. If such condition is defined - we get the value (country code) from it and use that value as a filter for the list of regions.

EasyQuery client-side views

Starting from version 5.0 EasyQuery.JS introduces the concept of a view . "View" - is a set of different EasyQuery widgets assembled to work together on some web page to cover a particular use-case. There are several views available out-of-the-box: AdvancedSearchView ReportView DataFilterView

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