ContextLoadingOptions enum

Represents different options used during loading model from context

public enum Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.ContextLoadingOptions
    : Enum

Package: Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq (targets: netstandard2.0)

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.dll


Name Value Description
Default 0 The default set of options
JoinUsingPrimitiveTypes 1 Try to join System.Types using primitive type properties as foreign keys (such as OrderID). Navigation properties are used by default
ScanOnlyQueryable 2 Scan only properties that implement IQueryable interface. By default all IEnumerable are used
ProcessInheritance 4 Include ancestor's properties
LeaveNonLinqOperators 8 Leave in loaded model the operators which are not supported in LINQ queries.
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