DateTimeValueEditor class

Represents the value editor for date and/or time.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.DateTimeValueEditor
    : ValueEditor, IDefaultValuesStorage


Type Name Description
String DefaultText Gets or sets the default text.
String DefaultValue Gets or sets the default value.
ConstValueList DefaultValues Gets the list of default values
DataType SubType Gets or sets the type of data (Date, Time or DateTime).
String Tag Gets the name of the value editor type.
String XmlDefinition Gets the XML definition of value editor.


Type Name Description
Boolean LoadAttribute(String attrName, String attrValue) Loads one attribute from XML reader.
void ReadOnePropFromJson(JsonReader reader, String propName) Reads one editor's property from JSON.
Task ReadOnePropFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader, String propName) Reads one editor's property from JSON (asynchronous way).
void SaveAttributesToXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer) Saves all attributes of value editor's node to XML writer.
void WritePropertiesToJson(JsonWriter writer, ModelReadWriteOptions rwOptions) Writes the content of the date/time value editor to JSON.
Task WritePropertiesToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer, ModelReadWriteOptions rwOptions) Writes the content of the date/time value editor to JSON (asynchronous way).

Static Properties

Type Name Description
String STypeCaption Gets the full name of the value editor class type.
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