Korzh.EasyQuery.Services namespace

DbConnectionModelLoader class

Represents a IModelLoader implementation which allows to load the model directly from a connection (using DB meta data)

EasyDbResultSet class

The result set.

EasyQueryManagerSql class

Represents an implementation of [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyQueryManager](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/easyquerymanager-class) which generates SQL queries and can work with some relational DB directly.

EasyQueryOptionsExtentionsDb class

Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allows to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware.

IDbResultSet interface

Represents an extension of IEqResultSet interface which also contains a function for creating a row. Implements the [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IEqResultSet](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/ieqresultset-interface)

SqlValueListResolver class

Represents a value editor which returns the list of values retrieved from a database with some SQL SELECT statement. Implements the [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IValueListResolver](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/ivaluelistresolver-interface)

SqlValueListResolverException class

Represents errors that might occur during SqlValueListResolver's work. Implements the `System.Exception`

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