DbModel class

Database-related implementation of Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel class. In addition to the basic data it contains also list of database tables and the links between them.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel
    : DataModel


Type Name Description
Dictionary<String, String> EntitySetNameType
LinkStore Links List of Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel links between tables.


Type Name Description
DbParameters DbParams Gets the Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbParameters object that represents different options of database linked with current data model.
String EntityContainerName Gets the name of the default entity container. This value is used for the models created from EDMX files (Entity Framework models)
ICollection<DbEntityLink> EntityLinks Gets the entity links.
Boolean IsLoadedFromDbContext Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loaded from a DbContext object.
String PrimaryTableName The name of the primary which will be used as a "root" table for this query (regardless it's used already in any column/condition or not)
Boolean StoreDbParams Gets or sets a value indicating whether Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel.DbParams will be store in data model definition file.
TableCategoryList TableCategories Gets the list of table categories.
TableList Tables Gets list of data model tables.


Type Name Description
void AssignEntityAttrID(EntityAttr attr) Assigns the default ID for entity attribute.
void AutoLinking(DbGate dbGate) This procedure finds the links between tables listed in the model (based on field names and types) and then add found links into the Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel.Links list.
List<DbEntity> CalcEntityPath(DbEntity entity1, DbEntity entity2) Finds a path between two entities and return it to caller as list of Enityt objects. Returns null if there is no any path between specified entities.
Path CalcPath(Table table1, Table table2) CalcPath method finds a path between tables and return it to caller or returns null if there is no any path between specified tables.
void Clear() Clears this instance.
Entity CreateEntity() Creates the entity.
EntityAttr CreateEntityAttr() Creates the entity attribute. Used for creating entity attributes while building the model
EntityAttr CreateNullAttribute() Creates the null attribute.
Operator CreateNullOperator() Creates the 'null' operator - a special operator which is used when a real operator can't be found (e.g. wrong ID)
Operator CreateOperator() Creates the operator. Used for creating objects while building the model
Operator CreateOperator(String id, String caption, String expr, String format) Creates the operator. Used for creating objects while building the model
Entity CreateRootEntity() Creates the root entity. This method can be overriden in descendant classes to retrun the object of appropriate class (e.g. DbEntity).
List<String> ExcludeFieldsFromExpr(String expr) Excludes field references from some SQL expression.
void ExtractTablesByExpr(String expr, TableList tableList) Extracts all tables used in some SQL expression (like Table1.FieldName1 + Table2.FieldName2) and add them into tableList.
void FillByDataTable(DataTable dataTable, Boolean createEntity) Fills the Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel by database table represented by System.Data.DataTable object.
void FillByDbGate(DbGate dbGate, FillModelOptions options) Fills the model by database gate.
void FillByDbGate(DbGate dbGate, List<String> includeTables, FillModelOptions options) Fills the model by database gate.
DbEntityLink FindLinkByEntities(DbEntity entity1, Entity entity2) Finds the link by 2 entities.
EntityAttr GetDefaultUICAttribute() Returns the first attribute in the Root entity with UseInConditions set to true. This attribute is shown by default for new condition.
void InitModelLoading() Inits the model loading.
void LoadFromConnection(DbConnection connection, FillModelOptions options) Populates model by information from database connection.
void LoadFromDbml(String dbmlFile) Loads the model from DBML file (Entity Framework model format).
void LoadFromEdmx(XDocument doc) Loads model from EDMX document.
void LoadFromEdmx(String edmxFile) Loads model from EDMX document.
void LoadNode(XmlReader reader, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads the root node of the model. Can be overriden for loading additional root nodes in Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel's descendants
void LoadOneModelAtrributeFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader) Loads one data model's attribute from the main XML node (DataModel)
void OnModelChanged() Called after the model has been changed.
void OnModelLoaded() Called after the model has been loaded from some file or string.
void ResetEntityContainer()
void SaveAttributes(XmlWriter writer, RWOptions options) Saves the attributes of the model. Can be overriden for storing additional attributes
void SaveDbParamsNode(XmlWriter writer) Saves the Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel.DbParams node.
void SaveLinksNode(XmlWriter writer) Saves links using System.Xml.XmlWriter object.
void SaveNodes(XmlWriter writer, RWOptions options) Saves the root nodes of the model. Can be overriden for storing additional nodes
void SaveTablesNode(XmlWriter writer) Saves tables using System.Xml.XmlWriter object.
Boolean SetTableCategory(Table table, String categoryName) Sets the category of the table. Creates a new category if the specified one does not exist yet.
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