ColumnsPanel class

The panel for defining the results columns for Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.QueryPanel.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel
    : XPanel

Package: Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms (targets: net461, net5.0-windows7.0, netcoreapp3.1)

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.dll


Name Type Description
ColumnsPanel() void Initializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel class.


Name Type Description
Active bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel is active.
AllowAggrColumns bool Gets or sets the ability to create the columns with aggregation functions.
AllowEditCaptions bool Gets or sets the ability to show column captions in the control.
AllowSorting bool Gets or sets the ability to change the sort order of columns.
Appearance ColumnsPanel.ColumnsPanelViewOptions Gets the Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.ColumnsPanelViewOptions object.
Columns QueryColumnStore Gets the columns list of the concerned Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Query.
EditMode ColumnsPanelEditMode Gets or sets the value of panel's edit mode.
JustSortedColumns QueryColumnStore Gets the list of columns that are sorted but are not used in result.
Model DataModel Gets the Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel object
Query Query Gets or sets the query.
Rows ColumnRowList Gets list of column rows.
SortedColumns SortedColumnList Gets the list of sorted columns


Name Type Description
RowListChanged EventHandler Occurs when list of rows is changed


Name Type Description
Activate() void Activates the panel. Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Active property becomes true.
AddRowByColumn(QueryColumn column) void Adds the new row by .
AddSimpleColumn() void Adds the simple column using the default entity attribute.
AddSimpleColumn(EntityAttr attr) void Adds the simple column using the default entity attribute.
AddSimpleColumn(string attrID) void Adds the simple column using the default entity attribute.
ApplyFormats() void Applies the formats used in panel to all rows.
CheckDataModel() void Checks the Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel object. Generates an exception if Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Model property has null value.
CheckQuery() void Checks the Korzh.EasyQuery.Query object. Generates an exception if Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Query property has null value.
ColumnsChangedHandler(object sender, QueryColumnsChangeEventArgs e) void Called when Query.Result.Columns has been changed.
CoreAddSimpleColumn(EntityAttr attr) void Adds the simple column.
CoreAddSimpleColumnThroughUI(string attrID) void Processes a click on "addition row".
CoreEndUpdate() void Performs necessary adjustments on update finish.
CoreFillEntityTree(ValueItemList items, Entity parentEntity) void Fills the list (tree) of entities and their attributes.
CreateAppearance() XPanel.XViewOptions Overrides the Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.CreateAppearance method.
CreateRowList() XRowList Creates the row list.
Deactivate() void Deactivates the panel. Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Active property becomes false.
Dispose(bool disposing) void Clean up any resources being used.
DoAction(object sender, string actionName, object data) void Overrides Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.DoAction(System.Object,System.String,System.Object).
DoMoveRow(int idx, bool up) void Overrides the method for Ctrl+Arrow signal processing.
DoSignal(object sender, Signals signalID, String[] paramList) void Overrides Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.DoSignal(System.Object,Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.Signals,System.String[]).
EntityAttributeFits(EntityAttr attr) bool Returns true if the entity attribute passed in the parameter can be used in (fits to) this panel.
EntityFits(Entity ent) bool Returns true if the entity passed in the parameter can be used in (fits to) this panel.
MoveRow(int index1, int index2) void Moves row to specified position
MoveRowDown(int index) void Moves the row to one position down (taking into account the level of other rows).
MoveRowUp(int index) void Moves the row to one position up (taking into account the level of other rows).
OnGotFocus(EventArgs e) void Overrides Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.OnGotFocus(System.EventArgs).
OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) void Overrides XPanel.OnKeyDown(System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs).
OnRowAdded(XRow row) void Overrides Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.OnRowAdded(Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XRow)
OnRowListChanged() void Overrides the Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.OnRowListChanged.
Refresh() void Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. Overrides System.Windows.Forms.Control.Refresh.
RefreshAddRow() void
RefreshByColumns() void Fully refreshes the panel on the base of Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Columns.
ScrollAddRowIntoView() void Scrolls the "click here to add..." row into view.
SetRowsWidth(int width) void Sets the width of the rows.
SortOrderChangedHander(object sender, SortOrderChangedEventArgs e) void Called when sort order is changed
UpdateModelInfo() void Updates all information based on data model information (such as list of entities).
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