Build query by code on the client-side

When you work with EasyQuery.JS to build a project (for example MVC-project) you work with two Query objects. First is on the server-side (it’s accessible by GetQuery method of EqServiceProviderDb) and other - on the client-side (you can get it using EQ.client.getQuery() function).

Sometimes it’s necessary to add query columns and/or conditions by code. Here is an article which describes how to do it with server-side query object.

And here is an example of JavaScript code which adds a condition and two columns (one of them an aggregate one) into current query on client-side:

var query = EQ.client.getQuery();
query.addSimpleCondition({ attr: "Customers.CompanyName", operator: "StartsWith", value: "A" });

  "caption": "Country",
  "sorting": "Ascending",
  "expr": {
  "typeName": "ENTATTR",
  "id": "Customers.Country"

  "caption": "Orders total",
  "sorting": "None",
  "expr": {
  "func": "SUM",
  "typeName": "AGGRFUNC",
  "argument": {
  "typeName": "ENTATTR",
  "id": "Orders.Freight"

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