ObjectModelLoader class

Represents a data model

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.ObjectModelLoader


Type Name Description
Boolean IsLoadedFromType


Type Name Description
String GetCollectionName(Type type) Used to get the name of the collection in context
void LoadFromContext(DataModel model, Type type) Loads model from context class.
void LoadFromContextType(DataModel model, Type type, ContextLoadingOptions options) Loads model from context class.
void LoadFromEntityType(DataModel model, Type type, ContextLoadingOptions loadingOptions) Loads model from some type (class). All properties of this class with primitive types will be added as attributes of the root entity. All complex type properties - as sub-entities and so on recursively .
void LoadModelFromType(DataModel model, Type type) Loads model from some type (class). All properties of this class with primitive types will be added as attributes of the root entity. All complex type properties - as sub-entities and so on recursively .