QueryFormats class

Represents different formats of statements.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryFormats


Type Name Description
DataTypeList quotedTypes Represents list of data types that must be quoted in result SQL.


Type Name Description
Boolean AlphaAlias Gets or sets a value indicating whether column alias should have only "alpha" symbols.
String DateFormat Gets or sets the format of date constant values in generated SQL statements.
String DateTimeFormat Gets or sets the format of date/time constant values in generated SQL statements.
EOLSymbol EOL Gets or sets the end-of-line symbol(s)
String EscapeSymbol Gets or sets the escape symbol.
String FalseValue Gets or sets the text used for "False" value in SQL expressions.
Boolean FilterMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether we should generate the query for filter (e.g. without table names in field representations).
String LowerFuncName Gets or sets the name of the LOWER function.
Int32 MaxIdentLen Gets or sets a maximum length of identifiers (e.g. table or column aliases) in generated queries. 0 - means that this options is ignored
String MoneySuffix Gets or sets the suffix for the values with "money" or "currency" types.
OrderByStyles OrderByStyle Gets or sets the style of ORDER BY clause.
Boolean QuoteBool Gets or sets a value indicating whether currently used SQL syntax requires to quote the boolean values.
Boolean QuoteColumnAlias Gets or sets a value indicating whether all columns aliases must be quotes in result SQL.
Boolean QuoteTime Gets or sets a value indicating whether currently used SQL syntax requires to quote the date and time values.
Boolean SupportPaging Gets or sets a value indicating whether paging commands (like OFFSET/FETCH) are supported.
String TimeFormat Gets or sets the format of time constant values used in generated SQL statements.
String TrueValue Gets or sets the text used for "True" value in SQL expressions.
ColumnAliasesUsage UseColumnAliases Gets or sets the value that determine when column aliases must be used in result SQL.
Boolean UseTimezoneOffset Gets or sets a value indicating whether query builder should use the timezone offset when generates date/time values. The timezone offeset is usually received from the client side.
Boolean UseUtcTime Gets or sets a value indicating whether query builder should use UTC time when it works with date/time values.
Char WildcardAny Gets or sets the wild symbol used in LIKE SQL operator (% by default).
Char WildcardSingle Gets or sets the wildcard symbol used in LIKE SQL operator to match any single charcter (_ by default).


Type Name Description
void CopyFrom(QueryFormats source) Copies all formats from some QueryFormats object.
Boolean Equals(Object obj) Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance.
String GetEolSymbol() Gets the string representation of end-of-line symbol(s)
Int32 GetHashCode() Returns a hash code for this instance.
Boolean IsQuotedType(DataType type) Determines whether the specified type must be quoted.
void LoadFromJsonDict(JsonDict dict) Loads QueryFormats from the IDictionary<string, object> object. Used for deserialization from JSON
void LoadFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader) Loads formats from XML reader.
void LoadNode(String nodeName, String nodeValue) Loads the root node of the Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryFormats object.
void SaveNodes(XmlWriter writer) Saves the root nodes of the formats.
void SaveToJsonDict(JsonDict dict) Saves QueryFormats to IDictionary<string, object> object. Used for serialization to JSON
void SaveToXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer, String rootNodeName) Saves formats to XML writer.
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