Query class

Represents internal query structure.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Query


Type Name Description
ColumnStore columns List of all query columns
String filePath Query file location if query is loaded from file
ColumnStore justSortedColumns List of just sorted coumns
String queryDescription User-defined query description
String queryName User-defined name of the query
Predicate root Root predicate of the query
String serializationQueryXml Serialized query
SortedColumnList sortedColumns List of sorted columns


Type Name Description
ColumnStore Columns Gets the columns.
String ExtraColumns Gets or sets the extra columns.
Predicate ExtraConditions Gets the list of extra conditions for this query. These conditions are not visible to end-users but included into result SQL statement as all others (defined in Korzh.EasyQuery.Query.Root predicate).
String FilePath Gets the query file path. It is automatically assigned when you use LoadFromFile method.
String ID Gets or sets the ID of this query.
Boolean IsEmpty Gets a value indicating whether this query is empty (no columns and no conditions are defined).
ColumnStore JustSortedColumns Gets the list of "just sorted" columns (the columns which will occur only in ORDER BY clause)
DataModel Model Gets or sets the data model used in this query.
Query Parent Gets the parent query.
String QueryDescription Gets or sets the query description.
String QueryName Gets or sets the name of the query.
Predicate Root Gets the root predicate of the query.
SortedColumnList SortedColumns Gets the list of sorted columns.
Boolean StoreModelPath Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Query object should store the path to corresponding data model and restore it during query loading.
Boolean StoreOptions Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Query object should store the options and restore them during query loading.
Boolean SyncColSortOrder Gets or sets a value indicating whether the order of columns must be synchronized with their sorting order.
TextStorage Texts Gets an instance of TextStorage object which holds all text resources used in this assembly
Int32 TimezoneOffset Timezone offset (in minutes) for all dates used in the query


Type Name Description
ColumnsChangedEventHandler ColumnsChanged This event is raised when the list of query result columns or a particular column was changed. For example some column was added or some was deleted.
ColumnsChangingEventHandler ColumnsChanging This event is raised before the list of query columns or a particular column is going to be changed. For example some column will be added or deleted.
ConditionsChangedEventHandler ConditionsChanged This event is raised when list of query conditions or a particular condition was changed. For example some condition was added or some - was deleted.
EventHandler ModelChanged Occurs after the model has been changed.
SortOrderChangedEventHandler SortOrderChanged Occurs when the list of sorted columns was changed.
ConditionsChangedEventHandler SubQueryConditionsChanged This event is raised when list of subquery conditions or a particular condition was changed. For example some condition was added or some - was deleted.


Type Name Description
Predicate AddPredicate(Predicate group, Int32 index = -1) Creates new predicate (condition group) and adds it into the query.
Column AddSimpleColumn(String attrId, String caption = null, SortDirection sorting = None) Creates new column by attribute's id or expression and adds it into query.
SimpleCondition AddSimpleCondition(Predicate predicate, Int32 index, EntityAttr attribute) Creates new simple condition and adds it into the query.
SimpleCondition AddSimpleCondition(String attrId, String operatorId, String[] values) Creates new simple condition and adds it into the query.
SimpleCondition AddSimpleCondition(Predicate predicate, String attrId, String operatorId, String[] values) Creates new simple condition and adds it into the query.
void CheckDataModel() Checks the data model object. Generates an exception if Model property has null value.
void CheckModelObject(DataModel model) Checks if model object has appropriate type and raise exception if not
void Clear() Clears the query conditions and result columns.
void CoreClear() Clears all query content. Can be overriden in derived classes.
AggrFuncExpr CreateAggrFuncExpr(DataModel model, String funcID, EqExpression argExpr) Creates the aggregate function expression.
Column CreateColumn() Creates a column.
Column CreateColumn(EntityAttr attr) Creates a column.
Column CreateColumn(String attrId, String caption = null, SortDirection sorting = None) Creates a column.
EntityAttrExpr CreateEntityAttrExpr(DataModel model, EntityAttr attr) Creates the entity attribute expression.
EntityAttrExpr CreateEntityAttrExpr(DataModel model, String attrId) Creates the entity attribute expression.
QueryFormats CreateFormats() Creates an instance of QueryFormats (or its descendant).
EntityAttrExpr CreateParentEntityAttrExpr(DataModel model, EntityAttr attr) Creates the parent entity attribute expression.
Predicate CreatePredicate() Creates the predicate.
Predicate CreateRootPredicate() Creates the root predicate.
Predicate CreateSilentPredicate() Creates a new "silent" predicate. Here "silent" means neither this predicate nor its conditions will raise ConditionsChanged event in associated query
SimpleCondition CreateSimpleCondition() Creates the simple condition.
SimpleCondition CreateSimpleCondition(String attrId, String operatorId, String[] values) Creates the simple condition.
SimpleCondition CreateSimpleCondition(EntityAttr attr, Operator op, EqExpression[] exprs) Creates the simple condition.
Query CreateSubQuery() Creates the subquery.
String GetConditionsText(QueryTextFormats formats) Returns human-readable text that represents current query conditions
QueryFormats GetFormats() Gets query formats (an instance of Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryFormats class).
String GetOneValueForAttr(EntityAttr attr) Gets the one value set in some query condition for indicated entity attribute
Entity GetParentQueryRootEntity() Gets the entities from parent query.
void InnerSortOrderChanged(SortOrderChangedEventArgs e)
void LoadFromFile(String path) Loads query from file.
void LoadFromFile(String path, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads query from file.
void LoadFromJsonDict(JsonDict dict) Loads query from some System.Collections.IDictionary object. Useful for JSON serialization
void LoadFromJsonDict(JsonDict dict, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads query from some System.Collections.IDictionary object. Useful for JSON serialization
void LoadFromStream(Stream stream) Loads query from stream.
void LoadFromStream(Stream stream, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads query from stream.
void LoadFromString(String xml, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads query from string.
void LoadFromString(String xml) Loads query from string.
void LoadFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader) Loads query from XML reader.
void LoadFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads query from XML reader.
void LoadNode(XmlReader reader, RWOptions rwOptions) Loads the root node.
DataModel NewModel() Creates new model object of appropriate type.
void OnColumnsChanged(ColumnsChangeEventArgs e) Raises the ColumnsChanged event.
void OnColumnsChanging(ColumnsChangingEventArgs e) Raises the ColumnsChanging event.
void OnConditionsChanged(ConditionsChangeEventArgs e) Raises the ConditionsChanged event.
void OnSortOrderChanged(SortOrderChangedEventArgs e) Raises the SortOrderChanged event.
void OnSubQueryConditionsChanged(ConditionsChangeEventArgs e) Raises the SubQueryConditionsChanged event.
void ResyncSortingList(Boolean changeInnerIndex) Resynchronizes the sorting list of columns correspondingly to their order.
void SaveNodes(XmlWriter writer, RWOptions rwOptions) Saves the root nodes.
void SaveToFile(String path) Saves query to XML file.
void SaveToFile(String path, RWOptions Options) Saves query to XML file.
JsonDict SaveToJsonDict() Saves query into some System.Collections.IDictionary object. Useful for JSON serialization
void SaveToStream(Stream stream) Saves query XML to stream.
void SaveToStream(Stream stream, RWOptions options) Saves query XML to stream.
String SaveToString() Saves query to string containing the XML.
String SaveToString(RWOptions Options) Saves query to string containing the XML.
void SaveToXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer, RWOptions rwOptions) Saves query to XML using XML writer.
void Validate() Validates this query instance. This method throws an exception if query has "ghost" attributes
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