Release Notes


Contains the full list of all changes in the EasyQuery packages.

Version 7.2 release notes

Version 7.2 is a minor update of EasyQuery.NET and EasyQuery.JS. In the previous version EntityFramework Core EasyQuery packages (Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational and Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFrameworkCore.Identity) didn't include .NET 6 in the list of target frameworks. Now you can move all configuration for EasyQuery middleware to a special class that implements this interface, register this class in DI and all EasyQuery settings will be applied automatically when needed. It's very useful when you have several EasyQuery endpoints with just a slightly different settings or you need to use the same EasyQuery configuration both in the middleware and some background service. Here is a quick guide on how to set up EasyQuery with IEasyQueryConfigurator: Step 1: On DI setup: Step 2: On EasyQuery middleware setup: For applications that still use Startup.cs: Step 3: MyEasyQueryConfigurator class:.

Version 7.0 release notes

Version 7.0 is a major update of both EasyQuery.NET and EasyQuery.JS. We skipped version 6.x for EasyQuery.NET (the previous was 5.4.x) to sync it with the latest version number of EasyQuery.JS and so, to make it clear that version 7.0 of the scripts requires version 7.0 of the server-side packages. The API endpoints for some actions were renamed in the new version. Provided that they both have the same version 7.0.x One of the most expected features implemented in 7.0 was an ability to set the formatting for the result set data. So, with version 7.0 the best approach will be to create an instance of some EasyQueryManager class descendant (for example, EasyQueryManagerSql ) that is the most suitable for your scenario and use its methods and properties for all necessary operations.

Version 5.x release notes

This section contains all "release notes" articles for version 5.x

Version 4.x release notes

Release notes articles for all version 4.x releases

Version 3.x releases

Release notes articles for all version 3.x releases

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