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If in short, EasyQuery - set of components that allow you (as a developer) to implement a functional, user-friendly query builder in your application

Introduction to value editors


For example, value editor allows you to define a list of available values - so your users will be able to select the value from a drop-down list. "Custom list" value editor raises an event which can be processed either on the client-side or on the server. All other editions of EasyQuery (WinForms, WebForms, WPF or Silverlight) has ListRequest event in QueryPanel control which is raised when a user adds an attribute (or operator) with Custom List or SQL list value editor assigned to that attribute/operator. Here we show how you can filter the returned list according to the value specified for some other attribute. If such condition is defined - we get the value (country code) from it and use that value as a filter for the list of regions.

Localization of query builder's UI


In this article, you can find two methods of localization of EasyQuery components