Easy way to implements DB features

EasyQuery.JS is a JavaScript framework that makes it easy to implement advanced search, data filtering or adhoc reporting scenarios in your web application.

EasyQuery.JS is a JavaScript framework that makes it easy to implement advanced search, data filtering or adhoc reporting scenarios (like on the screenshots) in your web application.

So, as you can see EasyQuery.JS gives you a simple to use but powerful user interface to build a query or a filter to your data. Your end-users will get the power of SQL (even if they can't pronounce it properly) with the simplicity of the natural language.



EasyQuery.JS can be used with any server-side platform. However, it will be easier to do with .NET or NodeJS (soon) than with others


It is suitable for both old-style MVC applications or modern SPA (Angular, Vue, React)


EasyQuery.JS is written in TypeScript. So, it gives you even more benefits (like type checking and intelli-sense) even if you are coding with a pure JavaScript


All the complexity of SQL is hidden - just simple to use and easy to learn UI.



Using EasyQuery backend services

/for ASP.NET (Core) and NodeJs/

Using EasyQuery Server

/for other backend platforms/
EasyQuery.JS (embedded to some html page) requests the data model from your server-side application using AJAX request.

The data model defines which entities and attributes users can operate with when they build their queries, and how they related to each other.

.NET version of EasyQuery allows you to build data model at run-time. On other platforms, you will need to create data model “manually” using a special utility.


End-user builds some query - adds/changes some columns and conditions using EasyQuery.JS UI.

EasyQuery.JS informs the application that the query has changed and sends the JSON representation of the query.

In case of using EasyQuery Server, your application transfers the query JSON to the Server.


We need to generate a SQL query by the JSON query.

In case of using EasyQuery backend services, EasyQuery code in your application gets the query JSON and generates a correct SQL query.

In case of using EasyQuery Server, the Server generates a SQL query and sends it back to your application.

Now the application is able to connect to the database and to run the SQL query on it.


The application receives the result of SQL query execution.

The (pre-formatted by the application) result tabular data are sent to the EasyQuery.JS to be visualized.


EasyQuery.JS gives you all you need to implement the front-end part - core classes, helpers, UI widgets, etc. However, you still may need some server-side code to support the front-end - give a meta-information about your data (what is called “data model”), handle the requests from the client-side scripts, connect and query your DB, send the results back to front-end.

The work to be done depends on the stack you use on back-end.


If you are a .NET developer - start with EasyQuery for ASP.NET or EasyQuery for ASP.NET Core instead. These products have a very elaborate server-side part that was specially designed to work with EasyQuery.JS components. You will not need to write an additional server-side code.

EasyQuery.JS is included in both those editions, you don't need to buy it separately. So just start registering your trial version of EasyQuery.NET.


To support any server-side platform, we provide a small web-service called EasyQuery Server (EQS). It handles most of the tasks EasyQuery.JS needs to be covered on the back-end.

All you need to do in your application is to forward front-end requests to EQS and to forward responses back to fron-end.

There is a public EQS implementation running on SqlQueryBuilder.com. It is free, but has some limitations.

Enterprise license owners may also use EasyQuery Server on-premises that we include to the package. It is written on .NET Core and it can be run on any modern server platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS).

The sample projects for NodeJS and PHP are available on GitHub. If you need a sample for your platform of choice - please contact us.


Number of Developers Unlimited Unlimited
Number of projects allowed Unlimited Unlimited
Unminified source files
Required "Powered by" tag
Limited functionality
Premium support
Non-exclusive life-time license
Free access to public EasyQuery Server*
EasyQuery Server on-premises

* - there are some limitations on server burden


Do I need to pay some additional fee per domain, or per user, etc.?

No. The license price is final, no additional fees. Once you purchased the EasyQuery you may use it in any number of your projects for any number of end users or site visitors. There are NO deployment limitations.

We provide annual subscriptions for our products to give you access to the latest releases and support.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept payment via credit card, check, paypal, wire transfer and some others. You can select the acceptable payment method on the order form.

How can I get a quote?

Click the appropriate "Buy Now" button in the table above to open the order page. At the end of that page you will find "Get Quote" button. Fill out the form and press this button to get a quote.

What is subscription?

The subscription is annual fee we take to give you access to the latest releases and support. Valid subscription allows you to download a new versions of the Product. When the new version is released you don't need to pay for upgrade - just download it from our Members Area.

The first year subscription is included to the license price.

With expired subscription you will no longer have access to new releases and support. You will be able to renew the expired subscription (so called "welcome back"), but it will cost you more than twice as much.

How much does the subscription cost? How can I purchase it?

The 1-year subscription renewal costs about 25% of license price for those who renew the subscription in time - before the expiration date. And there is a "welcome back" price - about 70% - for those who are late.

To purchase the subscription go to your account page, sign in, find "Licenses" panel and click the "Renew" link on the right of selected license.

To get the lower price the renewal should be done before the subscription expiration date. You can find the expiration date on the Licenses page of our Members Area. We also will remind you several times by e-mail.

Can I continue using EasyQuery when my subscription expires?

Yes you can. Your EasyQuery license is perpetual. However, you will be using the last product version released before your subscription expired.

If you choose not to renew your subscription, you will no longer have access to new releases and support, and we will be very sad.

How do the licenses work?

Your license is tied to your Korzh.com account.

To get the full (registered) copy of EasyQuery simply log into your account page and download the latest version of the product.

What about support?

We offer sterling support online in order to make you succeed. You may initiate a support ticket on this page.

Do you have money-back guarantee?

We provide the full featured Community edition for free. We hope that you tried to use it during some time to make an informed decision purchasing the product.

Unfortunately, we can not give money-back guarantee on Company license. So, please be attentive - the Company license is non-refundable!

We are resellers. Do you have any special offers for resellers?

Yes, we have. Go to reseller's FAQ for details


Don't hesitate to contact us; we are eager to assist with any inquiries.