ConditionEx class
- _enabled - The value indicating whether this Condition is enabled.
- _id
- blockId - The block id.
- conditions - The list of conditions.
- enabled
- addCondition
- addExpressionByOperand
- clearConditions
- expressionChanged
- fireChangedEvent
DataModelEx class
- aggrFunctions - The list of aggregate functions.
- editors - The list of value editors.
- id - The ID of the data mode.
- links - The list of links. It is used in odata broker.
- mainEntity
- addDefaultValueEditors - Add default value editors.
- addOrUpdateOperator - Add or update an operator.
- addOrUpdateValueEditor - Add or update a value editor.
- buildQueryPath
- checkAttrProperty - Checks wether attribute contains such property.
QueryColumnEx class
- blockId - The block ID.
- caption - The caption.
- enabled - Column is enabled
- expr - The column expression.
- id
- expressionChanged
- fireChangedEvent
- getExpressionIndex
- getModel
- getQuery
QueryEx class
- attributeExprTag - The attributec class name (Tag).
- clientListRequestHandler
- extraConditions
- extraData - Contains user-defined extra data for current query.
- innerData
- addChangedCallback - Add changed callback
- addColumn - Adds a new column with specified parameters
- addColumnObj - Adds a new column with specified index.
- addConditionGroup - Adds a condition group - a group of simple conditions (predicates) linked by AND or OR
- addDrillDown -