- areCompatibleDataTypes - Returns `true` if two data types passed in parameters are compatible - so it's safe to copy the values between two expressions with these two types
- assign - Copy the content of all objests passed in `args` parameters into `target` and returns the result NB: This function copies only the first level properties. For a deep copy please use `assignDeep`
- assignDeep - Copy the content of all objests passed in `args` parameters into `target` and returns the result NB: This function make a deep copy - so `assignDeep` will be called recursively for all object properties on the first level.
- combinePath - Adds two paths and returns the result Correctly processes leading and trailing slashes
- convertValue
- copyArrayTo
- createArrayFrom
- dateTimeToStr
- fillArray
- findItemById - Searches an array of the objects which implement ItemWithId by ID Returs the found object or null.