QueryPanel widget

This widget represents a "conditions panel" - a rectangular area of your web-page which contains hierarchical list of query conditions and provides some operations for manipulating with that list: add a new condition or condition group, remove an existing condition, enable/disable conditions, etc. All options of QueryPanel widgets can be set through ''queryPanel'' property of ''easyQuerySettings'' global variable. Of course you can also set options and call methods of QueryPanel in an usual for jQuery widgets way.



Type: Boolean
Default: true
Gets or sets a value indicating whether query panel must show a root row which represents the main group of conditions


Type: Boolean
Default: true
Gets or sets a value indicating whether query panel must show a special [add condition] link at the bottom


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Gets or sets a value indicating whether query panel must show a checkbox at the beginning of each condition row. User will be able to use these checkboxes to enable/disable corresponding query conditions


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Gets or sets a value indicating whether query panel shows "toggle parameterization" button which aloows to mark each condition as parameterized.


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Gets or sets a value indicating whether query panel allows to place some conditions in to JOIN clause instead of WHERE.


Type: Boolean
Default: true
Allows to turn off "Powered by EasyQuery" link shown in the bottom right cornder of query panel. Works only in the full version of the script.


Type: Object
Default: ``
Defines which buttons should be shown in the condition/predicate when the mouse is over. Possible values are:

  • "addCondition" - the button that allows to add new condition. Is shown in predicates only.
  • "addPredicate" - the button that allows to add new predicate. Is shown in predicates only.
  • "enable" - the button that allows to enable or disable certain condition.
  • "delete" - the button that allows to delete certain condition.
  • "menu" - the button that shows menu with all available actions for the condition/predicate, including the actions that are not available using other buttons. By default the option is not set, it actually means { condition: ["enable", "delete"] predicate: ["addCondition", "addPredicate", "enable", "delete"] }


Type: Boolean
Default: false
If true QueryPanel widget will always show button in predicate (group) rows. Instead of default behaviour when they are shown only on mouse over.


Type: Boolean
Default: false
If true QueryPanel widget will always show button in condition rows. Instead of default behaviour when they are shown only on mouse over.


Type: Boolean
Default: true
If true QueryPanel widget will show conjunction elements ("and" or "or") at the beginning of each condition.


Type: Boolean
Default: true
If true the active condition (the one user clicked on previously) will have accent background color.


Type: Boolean
Default: true
If true root predicate row become active at the beginning.


Type: String
Default: ``
A string that represents the format of date values used in date/time picker widget. For a full list of the possible formats see documention for JQuery UI Datepicker Widget: http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#utility-formatDate


Type: String
Default: d MM, yy
The format of date values used in condition rows. For a full list of the possible formats see documention for JQuery UI Datepicker Widget: http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#utility-formatDate


Type: String
Default: c-10:c+10
The range of years displayed in the year drop-down: either relative to today's year ("-nn:+nn"), relative to the currently selected year ("c-nn:c+nn"), absolute ("nnnn:nnnn"), or combinations of these formats ("nnnn:-nn").


Type: String
Default: {entity} {attr}
The format of entity attributes used in query panel conditions. You can set it to '' to shown only attribute part (without entity name)

Type: Object
Default: ``
Contains different options for popup menu that appears for selecting attributes, operators or values in condition.\ Includes the following sub-options:


Type: Boolean
Default: true
Gets or sets a value indicating whether it's possible to drag attributes from EntitiesPanel and drop them into QueryPanel to create new conditions.


Type: Integer
Default: 0
Defines where to display attributes in the tree: 0 - attributes are displayed after entities 1 - attributes are displayed before entities 2 - attributes and entities are mixed, and displayed in alphabetical order. In this case the "sortEntities" option value dosn't matter.


Type: Integer
Default: false
Defines whether entities and attributes should be sorted alphabetically. If false, they are displayed as listed in the model.


Type: Integer
Default: 600
Sets or gets the width of sub-query dialog


Type: Integer
Default: 300
Sets or gets the height of sub-query dialog


Type: Integer
Default: 100000
Sets or gets the ZIndex property of the different dialogs used in QueryPanel (including the sub-query dialog)


Type: String
Default: .
Sets or gets the symbol which is used as decimal separator


Type: List
Default: [',', ';']
Sets or gets the symbols which are recognized as list items separators (for example when user is supposed to enter a list of values in a text box).


Type: Boolean
Default: false
If true the QueryPanel will automaticall show value editor for any new (just added) condition.


Type: function
Default: null
The callback that is called when the condition's row has been rendered. It allows you to make any changes you need to the markup of the row. Parameters: condDiv - jQuery object that represents the condition's row div For example, if you need to add some class:

conditionRenderedCallbackHandler: function (condDiv) {


Type: function
Default: null
The callback that is called when the predicate's row has been rendered. It allows you to make any changes you need to the markup of the row. Parameters: predDiv - jQuery object that represents the predicate's row div For example, if you need to add some class:

predicateRenderedCallbackHandler: function (predDiv) {



Clears the list of conditions in associated query and redraws a panel if needed

   var QueryPanelDiv = $("#QueryPanel");


Clears all parts (list of conditions, list of columns) in associated query and redraws a panel if needed

   var QueryPanelDiv = $("#QueryPanel");


Turns the row for condition passed in parameter into "edit" mode. If no parameter is passed then it switch on edit mode for current active row.

   var QueryPanelDiv = $("#QueryPanel");


Creates a new simple condition with attribute and operator based on their IDs passed in parameters and then adds this new condition into the root predicate.


Name Type Description
attrid String Attribute ID. By default attribute ID is equals to TableName.FieldName of corresponding column.
operid String Operator ID (e.g. 'Equals', 'StartsWith', etc).
   var QueryPanelDiv = $("#QueryPanel");
   QueryPanelDiv.QueryPanel('addNewCondition', 'Orders.Paid', 'IsTrue');


Activates the particular condition in the panel


| Name | Type | Description | | -------- | ------- | --------------------------- | | conditionWidget | Object | The ConditionRow_SMPL or ConditionRow_PDCT object to activate. | Here is an example how to set QueryPanel options when you initialize ''easyQuerySettings'' variable:

window.easyQuerySettings = {
   serviceUrl: "/EasyQuery",
   modelName: "YourModelName", //put the name of your model here
   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
   queryPanel: {
       showCheckBoxes: true,
       attrElementFormat: "{attr}", //show only attribute instead of "{entity} {attr}" format used by default.
       .   .   .   .   .   .
   .   .   .   .   .   .

An example of seting some QueryPanel option in code using ''option'' method:

var QPDiv = $('#QueryPanel');
if (QPDiv.length > 0) {
  QPDiv.QueryPanel("option", "showRootRow", false);

If you include ''eq.view.js'' script on your page then this widget (as well as ColumnsPanel and EntitiesPanel) is initilized implicitly (on page load) for all DOM elements with id "QueryPanel". So, you just need to make the following changes on your page: \

  1. Define a placeholder javascript <div id="QueryPanel"></div>
  2. Include ''eq.all.min.js'' and ''eq.view.js'' on your page (after jQuery and jQuery UI).
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