Upgrade instructions. From Version 3.x to 5.x for .NET Framework 4.x projects

Upgrading to 5.x: WinForms and WPF projects

This tutorial describes how to modify your old Windows Forms or WPF project with EasyQuery 3.x to upgrade to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 (or higher). Please note. Version 5.2.0 of EasyQuery works only on .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher. So, if your project targets a lower version of .NET Framework - you will need to update Target Framework for your project first (right-click on the project in Solution

Upgrading to 5.x: ASP.NET (MVC and WebForms) projects

This tutorial describes how to upgrde your old ASP.NET MVC project with EasyQuery 3.x to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 (or higher). 1.2 Use NuGet Package Manager to install the following packages: Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet4 Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFramewok6 - if you are using Entity Framework 6.x Korzh.EasyQuery.DataExport - if you will need the data exporting functions Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate (or .MySqlGate or .OdbcGate depending on your DB) - if you need to load your model directly from DB connection. Finally, we need to make some modifications on our pages where we use EasyQuery scripts. Version 5.2.0 and higher of EasyQuery scripts will not need JQuery anymore, so you will be able to throw them away if they are not used in your own pages. Here is an example for "advanced search" view: To update your Web Forms page your will need to do the following 3 steps: Add EasyQuery scripts and styles on your page.

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