20 results for "use-cases/$s/@tag:javascript"

JavaScript widgets formats and settings (MVC version)


In this article, we describe the most common unique settings for EasyQuery JavaScript widgets and give examples of code.

Using EqMvcDemoEF sample with your own DB context


This article contains a brief instruction how to modify EqMvcDemoEF sample project to make it work with your own context class

Using MS SQL instead of Access in WebDemo sample project


In this article, you will find the detailed instructions how to modify WebDemoCS or WebDemoAjaxCS to make it work with SQL Server instead of Access

EasyQuery ASP.NET - using jQuery widgets on WebForms project


In this article, you can find the instructions how to replace native WebForms with our jQuery widgets, with extract examples

Getting started for EasyQuery ASP.NET MVC


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery ASP.NET to MVC web application

Version 5.0 release notes


Version 5.0 is a completely rewritten major update of EasyQuery which now can be used in any ASP.NET Core (version 2.0 and higher) project and with almost any frontend platform (MVC, Razor pages, Angular, React, Vue, etc). There are a lot of changes both on the server-side part and in the client-side library (EasyQuery.JS). Below we will describe the most important ones: Core library

Version 5.3 + EasyQuery.JS 6.0 release notes


The biggest change in this release is a new major update (version 6.0) of JavaScript library (EasyQuery.JS) used with ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core editions of EasyQuery. Version 5.3 of EasyQuery contains rather small improvements in the core libraries and all .NET editions. Community edition packages include @easyquery/core , @easyquery/ui . All license owners of EasyQuery for ASP.NET or EasyQuery for ASP.NET Core automatically got a license for EasyQuery.JS as well. to set your key, now for ASP.NET Core edition it will be Respectively, you should use Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet...

Working with data models in EasyQuery


This article will guide you through all issues about working with data models in EasyQuery library. How to load it from the DbContext or from your DB connection, or now to create a new one using Data Model Editor.

Date/time values formatting


In this article, you can find instructions how to set up different types of date & time formats, with code examples.

Building dynamic queries with EasyQuery and Entity Framework


Here we describe how EasyQuery helps to implement a query building UI for creating custom, dynamic queries in .NET projects which use Entity Framework (6.x)

Getting started for ASP.NET 4


Describes the steps you need to perform for applying EasyQuery ASP.NET to your MVC or WebForms project