20 results for "tutorials/$s/@tag:dbcontext"

Previous versions' tutorials (obsolete)


This section contains the tutorials that we written for older versions of EasyQuery and most probably are obsolete now.

Building dynamic queries with EasyQuery and Entity Framework


Here we describe how EasyQuery helps to implement a query building UI for creating custom, dynamic queries in .NET projects which use Entity Framework (6.x)

EasyQueryOptionsExtensionsEf class


Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allow to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware in case of using them with EntityFramework 6.x

DbContextModelLoader class


Represents a IModelLoader implementation which allows to load the model from a DbContext object. Implements the [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IModelLoader](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/imodelloader-interface)

Connect to your database


This article describes how to modify our sample project to make it work with your own database instead of Northwind DB used by default.

Adhoc reporting page in your web application


This article describes how to implement the adhoc reporting functionality (similar to the one from our live demos) in your own project.

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag