20 results for "how-to/api-reference/easydata-core/easydata-namespace/api-reference/easydata-exporters-pdfsharp/api-reference/easydata-core"



Basic classes of EasyData library.



This package contains an exporter (an implementation of EasyData's IDataExporter interface) for PDF format. The exporting is performed via PdfSharp library.



Default exporters of EasyData library that support CSV, HTML, and Excel-compatible HTML formats.



This package contains an exporter (an implementation of EasyData's IDataExporter interface) for Excel (.xlsx) format. The exporting is performed via CLosedXML library.

Exporting query results


Detailed instruction on how to perform additional functionality while dealing with EasyQuery results.

MetaData class


Read-only constant that represent the latest format version of data model definition JSON files

Dynamic queries for ASP.NET Core projects with Entity Framework Core


It takes a few minutes to add a new page with all necessary UI for building dynamic queries and to setup a middleware that will process all requests from that page, convert those request to the queries to your DB and return the result set back for visualization. This step is necessary to get the trial keys for EasyQuery framework. One for ASP.NET Core packages and another one - for EasyQuery.JS scripts. To simplify this task EasyQuery includes a Razor UI library package ( Korzh.EasyQuery.RazorUI ) that contains several predefined pages which you can use in your projects. For example, there is an "advaced search" page which is available via /EasyQuery/AdvancedSearch .

ASP.NET Core tutorials


This section contains all getting started articles for the version 5.x branch of EasyQuery for .NET Core. Please note if you have a project for .NET Framework (version 4.x or earlier) - please look at the articles in [$$-Version 3.x-$$](/$aid/eqdn-6f1z3hf0ml4u) section.