20 results for "how-to/$s/tutorials/how-to/user-friendly-name-for-tables"

Previous versions' tutorials (obsolete)


This section contains the tutorials that we written for older versions of EasyQuery and most probably are obsolete now.

Table class


Table class represents one table in a [Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-db-namespace/dbmodel-class) object

Table class


Table class represents one table in a [Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel](api-reference-5x/korzh-easyquery-db-namespace/dbmodel-class) object

Table class


Table class represents one table in a [Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbModel](api-reference/korzh-easyquery-db/korzh-easyquery-db-namespace/dbmodel-class) object

Query with table joins


An example of query which require to define a table join(s) in case of using SQL. It's much more simple with EasyQuery.

Tables and links page


Learn how to work with tables and links within your Data Model, change and edit them.

Working with table aliases


In this article, we provide all the information needed to use aliases properly. There is an explanation, what for aliases are in the DME and an example of using it.

Simple query over one table


How to build a simple query with 1-2 conditions over one table (entity)

How to restrict access to EasyQuery middleware for non-authenticated users


Problem Your web application has an open part (main page, some info pages, login/registration forms) and the part that requires the authorization. And you want that the data-filtering or ad-hoc reporting functionality provided by EasyQuery be available only for authorized users. Solution Starting from version 5

End-user's guide


1. EasyQuery: What’s That?

Obsolete (for version 3.x or lower)


This section contains the tutorials for previous versions of EasyQuery.

Getting started for WPF


You will be able to apply EasyQuery WPF to your application, performing all the instructions in this article

Getting started for Silverlight


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery.NET to your application, with extract examples

Getting started for WPF


Getting started tutorial on how to use EasyQuery components to implement an ad-hoc query builder in WPF application.

Getting started for Windows Forms


Here we will describe how to add the UI for advanced search and data filtration in your Windows Forms application.