20 results for "how-to/$s/tutorials/how-to/descriptive-texts-in-column-instead-numeric-values"

How to show descriptive texts in some column instead of numeric values


How to show some descriptive texts for some column in result set instead of actual numeric values stored in DB

Previous versions' tutorials (obsolete)


This section contains the tutorials that we written for older versions of EasyQuery and most probably are obsolete now.

Column class


Represents some column which will be queried.

Column class


Represents some column which will be queried.

How to limit columns from duplication


How to limit columns from duplication in MVC project, so when you add a column that is already used in a report it won’t be added again.

Value Editors


Here you can find the full list of editors and choose any you need in your work with Data Model:

Using MS SQL instead of Access in WebDemo sample project


In this article, you will find the detailed instructions how to modify WebDemoCS or WebDemoAjaxCS to make it work with SQL Server instead of Access

Introduction to value editors


For example, value editor allows you to define a list of available values - so your users will be able to select the value from a drop-down list. "Custom list" value editor raises an event which can be processed either on the client-side or on the server. All other editions of EasyQuery (WinForms, WebForms, WPF or Silverlight) has ListRequest event in QueryPanel control which is raised when a user adds an attribute (or operator) with Custom List or SQL list value editor assigned to that attribute/operator. Here we show how you can filter the returned list according to the value specified for some other attribute. If such condition is defined - we get the value (country code) from it and use that value as a filter for the list of regions.

Date/time values formatting


In this article, you can find instructions how to set up different types of date & time formats, with code examples.

Processing custom value editors in EasyQuery JS


Here you can find tips how to value editor setup and how to value editor widget

Dynamically populate value lists by information from other conditions


Suppose we have a database with Customer entity which has Country and City attributes. For both these attributes we define the value editors which return the lists of available values (countries and cities correspondingly). Now let's imagine the user adds a condition with the Country attribute e.g. Hera the steps needed to implement such a functionality: Define a value editor for the City attribute as SQL LIST with Cities.@{{Customer.Country}} list name (here Customer.Country is the ID of the Country attribute in the Customer entity). Let's name it "CitesSqlValueList") and then in a value list resolver modify its SQL according the currently selected country and get the list of values using GetValueListAsync method of EasyQueryManager class: What's happening here.

Processing custom value editors in EasyQuery JS


First, of you will need to assign a custom (user-defined) value editor for some attribute or operator in your data model. You have to ways to do it: Run Data Model Editor (DME). Select an entity attribute which you want to assign custom value editor to. You can add a custom editor to any entity attribute in your model at run-time. Here is an example of very simple value editor in TypeScript.