20 results for "how-to/$s/how-to/adhoc-reporting-in-your-webapp"

Adhoc reporting page in your web application


This article describes how to implement the adhoc reporting functionality (similar to the one from our live demos) in your own project.

Version 5.0 release notes


Version 5.0 is a completely rewritten major update of EasyQuery which now can be used in any ASP.NET Core (version 2.0 and higher) project and with almost any frontend platform (MVC, Razor pages, Angular, React, Vue, etc). There are a lot of changes both on the server-side part and in the client-side library (EasyQuery.JS). Below we will describe the most important ones: Core library

Copying the EasyQuery's code from a sample to your project


If you have already modified one of our sample projects to make it work with your DB, the next step will be to copy the EasyQuery's code to your own solution. This article describes how to do it.

Pages class


Contains the settings for the default pages from EasyQuery Razor UI library

Pages class


Contains the settings for the default pages from EasyQuery Razor UI library

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + MVC or Razor pages


How to use install EasyQuery to your ASP.NET Core project with Razor Pages or MVC.

Paging in query results


Paging can make your work with query more convenient. And here is detailed instruction on how to use it.

How it works


The above scheme shows the general internal structure of the library and the main principles of its work. EasyQuery components All EasyQuery classes and components can be divided into two main parts: logical part (DataModel, Query, SqlQueryBuilder). the visual part (QueryPanel, ColumnsPanel, etc.). The logical part is responsible for the internal representation of data structures and user

Getting started for ASP.NET 4


Describes the steps you need to perform for applying EasyQuery ASP.NET to your MVC or WebForms project

EasyQuery.NET 5.4.1 + EasyQuery.JS 6.1.0 release notes


Better performance It takes less time and memory for the new grid to render the same amount of data. It's easier now to define the styles for different parts of the grid and to set custom styles for each column or even for a particular cell. The code of our new grid was moved to a separate NPM package ( @easydata/ui ) and so, can be used even without EasyQuery at all. This new widget allows us to define different views for your result set. As already said, our server-side API code (EasyQuery middleware for .NET Core and WebAPI controller for .NET 4.x) was updated to support the new data format and other changes in EasyQuery.JS 6.1.0 Version 5.4.1 also includes a possibility to save/load queries to/from the files on the visitor's computer.

How to limit columns from duplication


How to limit columns from duplication in MVC project, so when you add a column that is already used in a report it won’t be added again.

EasyQuery client-side views


Starting from version 5.0 EasyQuery.JS introduces the concept of a view . "View" - is a set of different EasyQuery widgets assembled to work together on some web page to cover a particular use-case. There are several views available out-of-the-box: AdvancedSearchView ReportView DataFilterView

Upgrading from version 4.x to 5.x


Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade your current ASP.NET Core project that uses version 4.x of EasyQuery to version 5.0

How to restrict access to EasyQuery middleware for non-authenticated users


Problem Your web application has an open part (main page, some info pages, login/registration forms) and the part that requires the authorization. And you want that the data-filtering or ad-hoc reporting functionality provided by EasyQuery be available only for authorized users. Solution Starting from version 5

Working with data models in EasyQuery


This article will guide you through all issues about working with data models in EasyQuery library. How to load it from the DbContext or from your DB connection, or now to create a new one using Data Model Editor.

Getting started with EasyQuery in ASP.NET Core + Angular project


How to add ad-hoc reporting or data-filtering functionality to your ASP.NET Core project with Angular frontend.

Upgrading from version 3.x to 4.0


How to upgrade your project from version 3.x to version 4.0 of EasyQuery



If in short, EasyQuery - set of components that allow you (as a developer) to implement a functional, user-friendly query builder in your application