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Version 3.x releases


Release notes articles for all version 3.x releases

Version 3.x (obsolete)


Contains the "getting started" articles for version 3.x branch of EasyQuery. This section includes the tutorials for Windows Forms, WPF, WebForms and old ASP.NET MVC (not Core) editions of the library.

Version 5.x


Contains the articles with solutions for different scenarios built on top of EasyQuery 5.0 (or higher)

Version 4.x (obsolete)


Getting started articles for the old version (4.x) of EasyQuery for .NET Core

Version 5.x release notes


This section contains all "release notes" articles for version 5.x

Version 4.x release notes


Release notes articles for all version 4.x releases

Version 4.4.2 release notes


1. Core library UseParameters options in EqServiceProvider class. Now you don't need to define your own QueryBulider handler. Just set eqService.UseParameters = true and all SQL statements will be generated with parameters. Add parameter processing for the special date/time values (like this month , previous year , etc). Fixed: parameters didn't work in sub-queries

Getting started for WPF


You will be able to apply EasyQuery WPF to your application, performing all the instructions in this article

Version 4.2.0 release notes


EasyQuery for ASPNET Core: version 4.2.0 release notes

Getting started for Silverlight


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery.NET to your application, with extract examples

Version 4.1.0 release notes


EasyQuery for ASPNET Core: version 4.1.0 release notes

Version 4.3.1 release notes


1. Core library FullTextSearch extension method - now you can easily set up a full-text search functionality in your app ODataQueryBuilder class - allows to build OData queries ToSql extension method for LINQ expressions - now you can easily get an SQL statement for your LINQ query generated by our components