20 results for "how-to/$s/api-reference/easydata-exporters-pdfsharp/$s/@tag:data"



This package contains an exporter (an implementation of EasyData's IDataExporter interface) for PDF format. The exporting is performed via PdfSharp library.



Default exporters of EasyData library that support CSV, HTML, and Excel-compatible HTML formats.



This package contains an exporter (an implementation of EasyData's IDataExporter interface) for Excel (.xlsx) format. The exporting is performed via CLosedXML library.



Basic classes of EasyData library.

Exporting query results


Detailed instruction on how to perform additional functionality while dealing with EasyQuery results.

Aggregate data


From this article you will see how to aggregate (count, sum, etc.) data in your queries.

Data Model


In short (and by its name), data model - is a model (representation) of some data stored in your database. It solves two major problems: Presents the data to the end user in a more friendly and familiar way. Contains some meta information that helps EasyQuery components to build query statements in SQL or other query languages. Any data model contains the following main sections:

About Data Model Editor


Here you can find detailed information about this instrument and guideline, how to use it to perform all needed tasks.

Managing data formats


This article shows how to implement some particular tasks with your query