20 results for "how-to/$s/$s/$s/@tag:license"

License class


Static class that allows you to set the license key for EasyQuery.

License class


Static class that allows you to set the license key for EasyQuery.

License class


Static class that allows you to set the license key for EasyQuery.

License class


Static class that allows you to set the license key for EasyQuery.

License class


Static class that allows you to set the license key for EasyQuery.

EasyQuery License key


Here we describe how to apply the product key that you get after purchasing the license and which allows you to unlock all the features of EasyQuery library.

Version 5.3 + EasyQuery.JS 6.0 release notes


The biggest change in this release is a new major update (version 6.0) of JavaScript library (EasyQuery.JS) used with ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core editions of EasyQuery. Version 5.3 of EasyQuery contains rather small improvements in the core libraries and all .NET editions. Community edition packages include @easyquery/core , @easyquery/ui . All license owners of EasyQuery for ASP.NET or EasyQuery for ASP.NET Core automatically got a license for EasyQuery.JS as well. to set your key, now for ASP.NET Core edition it will be Respectively, you should use Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet...

Upgrade instructions: EasyQuery.NET 5.3 + EasyQuery.JS 6.0


If you use EasyQuery.JS via NPM packages (for example, in your Angular or React project) you need to do the following changes: Since JQuery is not used anyore, you can remove @easyquery/ui-jquery package from your project. All functionality from this package was moved either to @easyquery/core or @easyquery/enterprise packages. Add @easyquery/enterprise package if you need full set of features as in previous version (5.1.x) of EasyQuery. Obviously, set the version number for all EasyQuery packages to 6.0.0 (or higher). Get the license key for EasyQuery Enterprise.

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + MVC or Razor pages


How to use install EasyQuery to your ASP.NET Core project with Razor Pages or MVC.

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

Upgrade instructions: Version 7.0


You just need to update the version of all EasyQuery packages (except Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate - see the details below) to 7.0.x (whatever the latest version is there at the time of your reading). For example: should be changed to: As for Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate package, it was renamed to Korzh.EasyQuery.SqlServerGate (to prevent any confusion with Korzh.EasyQuery.MySqlGate ). Here are examples: Before EasyQuery 7.0: EasyQuery 7.0+ Both functions accepts a delegate with EasyQueryOptions parameter, so no changes here. Here are some examples: In the most cases, your client-side code and markup will not need a lot of changes with version 7.0 of EasyQuery.JS. Here are the thins that require your attention: If the license key for EasyQuery.JS is hardcoded in the page's script as a parameter of useEnterprise(...) call (like view.getContext().useEnterprise('YourEasyQueryJsKeyGoesHere') ) you will need to get a new one for version 7.0 and replace it there.