20 results for "getting-started/product-key"

Getting started for WPF


You will be able to apply EasyQuery WPF to your application, performing all the instructions in this article

EasyQuery License key


Here we describe how to apply the product key that you get after purchasing the license and which allows you to unlock all the features of EasyQuery library.

Getting started for Silverlight


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery.NET to your application, with extract examples

Getting started for WPF


Getting started tutorial on how to use EasyQuery components to implement an ad-hoc query builder in WPF application.

ASP.NET Core tutorials


This section contains all getting started articles for the version 5.x branch of EasyQuery for .NET Core. Please note if you have a project for .NET Framework (version 4.x or earlier) - please look at the articles in [$$-Version 3.x-$$](/$aid/eqdn-6f1z3hf0ml4u) section.

Getting started for Windows Forms


Here we will describe how to add the UI for advanced search and data filtration in your Windows Forms application.

Getting started for ASP.NET WebForms


Here you can find the instructions how to add EasyQuery components into your ASP.NET WebForms project

Getting started for EasyQuery ASP.NET MVC


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery ASP.NET to MVC web application

Getting started for ASP.NET 4


Describes the steps you need to perform for applying EasyQuery ASP.NET to your MVC or WebForms project

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + Vue project


How to use EasyQuery library in Vue.js project with ASP.NET Core backend.

Getting started with EasyQuery in ASP.NET Core + Angular project


How to add ad-hoc reporting or data-filtering functionality to your ASP.NET Core project with Angular frontend.

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + React project


How to use EasyQuery library in React.js project with ASP.NET Core backend.

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + MVC or Razor pages


How to use install EasyQuery to your ASP.NET Core project with Razor Pages or MVC.

End-user's guide


1. EasyQuery: What’s That?

Query with OR operators


In this article, you will learn how to build queries that contain both AND and OR operators.

Version 5.2 release notes


Version 5.2 of EasyQuery not only brings some improvements to the .NET Core edition, it;s also the first release of 5.x branch for all other editions of EasyQuery which uses on .NET Framework 4.x and still were on 3.x branch until now: WinForms, WPF and ASP.NET 4 editions. There are 2 big changes in ASP.NET edition of EasyQuery which affects your MVC project when you upgrade to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 or higher. Starting from version 5.2.0 EasyQuery for ASP.NET uses the latest version of the client-side library (EasyQuery.JS 5.1.8 for now) which is the same that is used in ASP.NET Core edition. The same as for MVC applications, for WebForms we now use the latest version of EasyQuery.JS library on the client-side and a WebAPI controller on the server-side. Bug fixed: Disabled columns were included into GROUP BY section Bug fixed in WPF edition: Empty column title on edit Bug fixed in WPF edition: Wrong behavior of "Duplicate condition" operation If you are upgrading from version 5.x for ASP.NET Core - you just need to change the version numbers of all EasyQuery NuGet packages you are using to 5.2.0 and the version of the EasyQuery script files (or NPM packages) to 5.1.8 NB : For the users of EasyQuery script bundles (like eq.all.min.js ) published on our CDN You will also need to modify the full path to the EasyQuery classes and add ui namespace to it.