20 results for "getting-started/fundamentals/how-it-works"

How it works


The above scheme shows the general internal structure of the library and the main principles of its work. EasyQuery components All EasyQuery classes and components can be divided into two main parts: logical part (DataModel, Query, SqlQueryBuilder). the visual part (QueryPanel, ColumnsPanel, etc.). The logical part is responsible for the internal representation of data structures and user

Getting started for WPF


You will be able to apply EasyQuery WPF to your application, performing all the instructions in this article

Getting started for Silverlight


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery.NET to your application, with extract examples

Working with table aliases


In this article, we provide all the information needed to use aliases properly. There is an explanation, what for aliases are in the DME and an example of using it.

Getting started for WPF


Getting started tutorial on how to use EasyQuery components to implement an ad-hoc query builder in WPF application.

Getting started for Windows Forms


Here we will describe how to add the UI for advanced search and data filtration in your Windows Forms application.

ASP.NET Core tutorials


This section contains all getting started articles for the version 5.x branch of EasyQuery for .NET Core. Please note if you have a project for .NET Framework (version 4.x or earlier) - please look at the articles in [$$-Version 3.x-$$](/$aid/eqdn-6f1z3hf0ml4u) section.

Working with several data models


All EasyQuery demos works with one data model (and one database which corresponds to that model). Here we are going to describe how to add a selector that switches between two data models on your view/page and then how to setup a custom "model loader" to handle GetModel requests propertly. To make it possible to switch between these two models we need some selector element on our page. The only problem here - is to switch the database connection accordingly the the switches between the models. Now when the user selects an item in our model selector element on the client-side - our server-side code automatically loads the selected model and connects to a proper database (when necessary)..

Getting started for ASP.NET WebForms


Here you can find the instructions how to add EasyQuery components into your ASP.NET WebForms project

Getting started for EasyQuery ASP.NET MVC


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery ASP.NET to MVC web application

Working with data models in EasyQuery


This article will guide you through all issues about working with data models in EasyQuery library. How to load it from the DbContext or from your DB connection, or now to create a new one using Data Model Editor.

Getting started for ASP.NET 4


Describes the steps you need to perform for applying EasyQuery ASP.NET to your MVC or WebForms project

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + Vue project


How to use EasyQuery library in Vue.js project with ASP.NET Core backend.

Getting started with EasyQuery in ASP.NET Core + Angular project


How to add ad-hoc reporting or data-filtering functionality to your ASP.NET Core project with Angular frontend.

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + React project


How to use EasyQuery library in React.js project with ASP.NET Core backend.

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + MVC or Razor pages


How to use install EasyQuery to your ASP.NET Core project with Razor Pages or MVC.