20 results for "fundamentals/fundamentals/how-it-works"

How it works


The above scheme shows the general internal structure of the library and the main principles of its work. EasyQuery components All EasyQuery classes and components can be divided into two main parts: logical part (DataModel, Query, SqlQueryBuilder). the visual part (QueryPanel, ColumnsPanel, etc.). The logical part is responsible for the internal representation of data structures and user

Working with table aliases


In this article, we provide all the information needed to use aliases properly. There is an explanation, what for aliases are in the DME and an example of using it.

Working with several data models


All EasyQuery demos works with one data model (and one database which corresponds to that model). Here we are going to describe how to add a selector that switches between two data models on your view/page and then how to setup a custom "model loader" to handle GetModel requests propertly. To make it possible to switch between these two models we need some selector element on our page. The only problem here - is to switch the database connection accordingly the the switches between the models. Now when the user selects an item in our model selector element on the client-side - our server-side code automatically loads the selected model and connects to a proper database (when necessary)..

Working with data models in EasyQuery


This article will guide you through all issues about working with data models in EasyQuery library. How to load it from the DbContext or from your DB connection, or now to create a new one using Data Model Editor.

Connect to your database


This article describes how to modify our sample project to make it work with your own database instead of Northwind DB used by default.

Getting started for ASP.NET 4


Describes the steps you need to perform for applying EasyQuery ASP.NET to your MVC or WebForms project

Getting started for ASP.NET WebForms


Here you can find the instructions how to add EasyQuery components into your ASP.NET WebForms project

How to show descriptive texts in some column instead of numeric values


How to show some descriptive texts for some column in result set instead of actual numeric values stored in DB



Common terms Database - may refer to any data storage but in most cases we mean some relational database such as MS SQL Server, My SQL, Oracle, etc. Result set - a result of some search request (query). Usually, is presented as tabular data. Query - a search request. Query condition - one of the search terms (for example: "Customer name starts with 'A'")

Upgrade instructions: Version 7.0


You just need to update the version of all EasyQuery packages (except Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate - see the details below) to 7.0.x (whatever the latest version is there at the time of your reading). For example: should be changed to: As for Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate package, it was renamed to Korzh.EasyQuery.SqlServerGate (to prevent any confusion with Korzh.EasyQuery.MySqlGate ). Here are examples: Before EasyQuery 7.0: EasyQuery 7.0+ Both functions accepts a delegate with EasyQueryOptions parameter, so no changes here. Here are some examples: In the most cases, your client-side code and markup will not need a lot of changes with version 7.0 of EasyQuery.JS. Here are the thins that require your attention: If the license key for EasyQuery.JS is hardcoded in the page's script as a parameter of useEnterprise(...) call (like view.getContext().useEnterprise('YourEasyQueryJsKeyGoesHere') ) you will need to get a new one for version 7.0 and replace it there.

Tables and links page


Learn how to work with tables and links within your Data Model, change and edit them.

Upgrading from version 3.x to 4.0


How to upgrade your project from version 3.x to version 4.0 of EasyQuery

Version 5.3 + EasyQuery.JS 6.0 release notes


The biggest change in this release is a new major update (version 6.0) of JavaScript library (EasyQuery.JS) used with ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core editions of EasyQuery. Version 5.3 of EasyQuery contains rather small improvements in the core libraries and all .NET editions. Community edition packages include @easyquery/core , @easyquery/ui . All license owners of EasyQuery for ASP.NET or EasyQuery for ASP.NET Core automatically got a license for EasyQuery.JS as well. to set your key, now for ASP.NET Core edition it will be Respectively, you should use Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet...

Getting started for EasyQuery ASP.NET MVC


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery ASP.NET to MVC web application

EasyQuery License key


Here we describe how to apply the product key that you get after purchasing the license and which allows you to unlock all the features of EasyQuery library.

Paging in query results


Paging can make your work with query more convenient. And here is detailed instruction on how to use it.