20 results for "fundamentals/$s/@tag:web-service"

Adhoc reporting page in your web application


This article describes how to implement the adhoc reporting functionality (similar to the one from our live demos) in your own project.

EasyQueryOptions class


Contains various options used in EasyQueryMiddleware, EasyQueryManager and other classes.

EasyQueryManager class


Provides basic functionality for managing different EasyQuery operations and to process the AJAX requests from EasyQuery JavaScript widgets. This class is abstract and it implements only the most common features. The descendants of this class provides more concrete implementation of the model loading and query generation

EasyQuery ASP.NET - using jQuery widgets on WebForms project


In this article, you can find the instructions how to replace native WebForms with our jQuery widgets, with extract examples

EasyQueryManagerLinq<T> class


Represents an implementation of [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyQueryManager](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/easyquerymanager-class) which loads the model from some type and generates LINQ queries.

EasyQueryManagerSql class


Represents an implementation of [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyQueryManager](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/easyquerymanager-class) which generates SQL queries and can work with some relational DB directly.

FileQueryStore class


Represents the implementation of IQueryStore which store queries on the file system. Implements the [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IQueryStore](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/iquerystore-interface)

DefaultEqAuthProvider class


The default implementation of the [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IEqAuthProvider](api-reference/korzh-easyquery/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/ieqauthprovider-interface) interface. Contains several methods which allow to mark some EasyQuery actions as "anonymous" (so they can be accessed by any user) and to restrict the access to them depening on user role.

CsvDataExporter class


An implementation of [Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IDataExporter](api-reference-5x/korzh-easyquery-services-namespace/idataexporter-interface) interface, that performs exporting of the data stream to CSV format