20 results for "$s/version-3-x/getting-started/getting-started/$s/@tag:client-side"

Getting started for WPF


You will be able to apply EasyQuery WPF to your application, performing all the instructions in this article

Getting started for Silverlight


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery.NET to your application, with extract examples

EasyQuery client-side views


Starting from version 5.0 EasyQuery.JS introduces the concept of a view . "View" - is a set of different EasyQuery widgets assembled to work together on some web page to cover a particular use-case. There are several views available out-of-the-box: AdvancedSearchView ReportView DataFilterView

Getting started for WPF


Getting started tutorial on how to use EasyQuery components to implement an ad-hoc query builder in WPF application.

Version 3.x releases


Release notes articles for all version 3.x releases

Version 3.x (obsolete)


Contains the "getting started" articles for version 3.x branch of EasyQuery. This section includes the tutorials for Windows Forms, WPF, WebForms and old ASP.NET MVC (not Core) editions of the library.

Version 5.x


Contains the articles with solutions for different scenarios built on top of EasyQuery 5.0 (or higher)

Version 4.x (obsolete)


Getting started articles for the old version (4.x) of EasyQuery for .NET Core

Build query by code on the client-side


Here you can find an example of JavaScript code with explanation how to add columns to a current query on client-side.

ASP.NET Core tutorials


This section contains all getting started articles for the version 5.x branch of EasyQuery for .NET Core. Please note if you have a project for .NET Framework (version 4.x or earlier) - please look at the articles in [$$-Version 3.x-$$](/$aid/eqdn-6f1z3hf0ml4u) section.

Getting started for Windows Forms


Here we will describe how to add the UI for advanced search and data filtration in your Windows Forms application.

Getting started for ASP.NET WebForms


Here you can find the instructions how to add EasyQuery components into your ASP.NET WebForms project

Version 5.x release notes


This section contains all "release notes" articles for version 5.x

Version 4.x release notes


Release notes articles for all version 4.x releases

Attaching extra data to a query on the client-side


Sometimes it's necessary to attach some extra data to each query (based on some user's input on the client-side) and then use that extra data on query execution. For example, user might want to specify a date (or a period of time) as an additional filter to the any query. To add some extra data you can use beforeExecuteQuery event handler which can be defined on view initialization: Now if you check in Developer Tools (on Network tab), each .../execute request now includes ad additional data object in the request payload. Now to process this additional request data you can create your own implementation of EasyQueryManager and override its ExecuteQueryCore method. Here is an example: Here we just reconfigure our current query and add in it an additional condition group with a bunch of conditions like SomeColumns contains 'filter text' Finally, you need to register your manager class on EasyQuery middleware initialization: NB: Please note that you can read the ClientData property in any method of your custom manager.

Version 4.4.2 release notes


1. Core library UseParameters options in EqServiceProvider class. Now you don't need to define your own QueryBulider handler. Just set eqService.UseParameters = true and all SQL statements will be generated with parameters. Add parameter processing for the special date/time values (like this month , previous year , etc). Fixed: parameters didn't work in sub-queries