20 results for "$s/use-cases/$s/@tag:winforms"

Upgrading to 5.x: WinForms and WPF projects


This tutorial describes how to modify your old Windows Forms or WPF project with EasyQuery 3.x to upgrade to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 (or higher). Please note. Version 5.2.0 of EasyQuery works only on .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher. So, if your project targets a lower version of .NET Framework - you will need to update Target Framework for your project first (right-click on the project in Solution

Using EqMvcDemoEF sample with your own DB context


This article contains a brief instruction how to modify EqMvcDemoEF sample project to make it work with your own context class

Using MS SQL instead of Access in WebDemo sample project


In this article, you will find the detailed instructions how to modify WebDemoCS or WebDemoAjaxCS to make it work with SQL Server instead of Access

XRow class


Provides a container for array of [Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XElement](api-reference/korzh-easyquery-winforms/korzh-easyquery-winforms-namespace/xelement-class).

ColumnsPanel class


The panel for defining the results columns for [Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.QueryPanel](api-reference/korzh-easyquery-winforms/korzh-easyquery-winforms-namespace/querypanel-class).

QueryPanel class


[Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.QueryPanel](api-reference/korzh-easyquery-winforms/korzh-easyquery-winforms-namespace/querypanel-class) control - the main GUI control for query building.

EasyQuery ASP.NET - using jQuery widgets on WebForms project


In this article, you can find the instructions how to replace native WebForms with our jQuery widgets, with extract examples

XElement class


The basic abstract class for elements of a row in [Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel](api-reference/korzh-easyquery-winforms/korzh-easyquery-winforms-namespace/xpanel-class).

XPanel class


A panel that contains and displays [Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XRow](api-reference/korzh-easyquery-winforms/korzh-easyquery-winforms-namespace/xrow-class) rows.