20 results for "$s/how-to/use-cases/$s/@tag:entity-framework"

Building dynamic queries with EasyQuery and Entity Framework


Here we describe how EasyQuery helps to implement a query building UI for creating custom, dynamic queries in .NET projects which use Entity Framework (6.x)

Entities page


This page describes entities participating in the data model and their attributes.

Hide some entities and/or attributes


Here we explain how to implement different ways to limit the quantity of entities and attributes shown in Data Model

Dynamic queries for ASP.NET Core projects with Entity Framework Core


It takes a few minutes to add a new page with all necessary UI for building dynamic queries and to setup a middleware that will process all requests from that page, convert those request to the queries to your DB and return the result set back for visualization. This step is necessary to get the trial keys for EasyQuery framework. One for ASP.NET Core packages and another one - for EasyQuery.JS scripts. To simplify this task EasyQuery includes a Razor UI library package ( Korzh.EasyQuery.RazorUI ) that contains several predefined pages which you can use in your projects. For example, there is an "advaced search" page which is available via /EasyQuery/AdvancedSearch .

Navigate through data model entities and attributes


A code snippet which demonstrates how to run through data model entities and attributes

Using EqMvcDemoEF sample with your own DB context


This article contains a brief instruction how to modify EqMvcDemoEF sample project to make it work with your own context class

Using MS SQL instead of Access in WebDemo sample project


In this article, you will find the detailed instructions how to modify WebDemoCS or WebDemoAjaxCS to make it work with SQL Server instead of Access

EasyQuery ASP.NET - using jQuery widgets on WebForms project


In this article, you can find the instructions how to replace native WebForms with our jQuery widgets, with extract examples

Working with data models in EasyQuery


This article will guide you through all issues about working with data models in EasyQuery library. How to load it from the DbContext or from your DB connection, or now to create a new one using Data Model Editor.

DbModel class


Database-related implementation of [Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel](api-reference-4x/korzh-easyquery-namespace/datamodel-class) class. In addition to the basic data it contains also list of database tables and the links between them.