20 results for "$s/getting-started/from-sample-to-your-own-project/how-to/mvc-query-builder-view-in-your-app"

From a sample to your own project


[EasyQuery GitHub repositories](https://github.com/easyquery) contain several sample projects that demonstrate how to use EasyQuery library on different platforms, with differen frameworks and in different scenarios. The best way to start with EasyQuery is to choose the sample closest to your scenario and modify it according to your requirements (your DB, data model, environment, layout, styles, etc). So, in this section we are going to describe how to do it.

Add query builder page from our MVC sample project in your own app


This article described how to set up an advanced search page in your web-application using EqMvcDemoDB project as a template.

Copying the EasyQuery's code from a sample to your project


If you have already modified one of our sample projects to make it work with your DB, the next step will be to copy the EasyQuery's code to your own solution. This article describes how to do it.

Localization of query builder's UI


In this article, you can find two methods of localization of EasyQuery components

Using MS SQL instead of Access in WebDemo sample project


In this article, you will find the detailed instructions how to modify WebDemoCS or WebDemoAjaxCS to make it work with SQL Server instead of Access

Using EqMvcDemoEF sample with your own DB context


This article contains a brief instruction how to modify EqMvcDemoEF sample project to make it work with your own context class

Getting started for WPF


You will be able to apply EasyQuery WPF to your application, performing all the instructions in this article

Getting started for Silverlight


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery.NET to your application, with extract examples

EasyQuery client-side views


Starting from version 5.0 EasyQuery.JS introduces the concept of a view . "View" - is a set of different EasyQuery widgets assembled to work together on some web page to cover a particular use-case. There are several views available out-of-the-box: AdvancedSearchView ReportView DataFilterView

Getting started for WPF


Getting started tutorial on how to use EasyQuery components to implement an ad-hoc query builder in WPF application.

Getting started for EasyQuery ASP.NET MVC


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery ASP.NET to MVC web application

Upgrading to 5.x: ASP.NET (MVC and WebForms) projects


This tutorial describes how to upgrde your old ASP.NET MVC project with EasyQuery 3.x to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 (or higher). 1.2 Use NuGet Package Manager to install the following packages: Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet4 Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFramewok6 - if you are using Entity Framework 6.x Korzh.EasyQuery.DataExport - if you will need the data exporting functions Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate (or .MySqlGate or .OdbcGate depending on your DB) - if you need to load your model directly from DB connection. Finally, we need to make some modifications on our pages where we use EasyQuery scripts. Version 5.2.0 and higher of EasyQuery scripts will not need JQuery anymore, so you will be able to throw them away if they are not used in your own pages. Here is an example for "advanced search" view: To update your Web Forms page your will need to do the following 3 steps: Add EasyQuery scripts and styles on your page.

Upgrading to 5.x: WinForms and WPF projects


This tutorial describes how to modify your old Windows Forms or WPF project with EasyQuery 3.x to upgrade to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 (or higher). Please note. Version 5.2.0 of EasyQuery works only on .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher. So, if your project targets a lower version of .NET Framework - you will need to update Target Framework for your project first (right-click on the project in Solution

Query with OR operators


In this article, you will learn how to build queries that contain both AND and OR operators.