20 results for "$s/@tag:jquery"

EasyQuery ASP.NET - using jQuery widgets on WebForms project


In this article, you can find the instructions how to replace native WebForms with our jQuery widgets, with extract examples

Upgrade instructions: EasyQuery.NET 5.3 + EasyQuery.JS 6.0


If you use EasyQuery.JS via NPM packages (for example, in your Angular or React project) you need to do the following changes: Since JQuery is not used anyore, you can remove @easyquery/ui-jquery package from your project. All functionality from this package was moved either to @easyquery/core or @easyquery/enterprise packages. Add @easyquery/enterprise package if you need full set of features as in previous version (5.1.x) of EasyQuery. Obviously, set the version number for all EasyQuery packages to 6.0.0 (or higher). Get the license key for EasyQuery Enterprise.

Add query builder page from our MVC sample project in your own app


This article described how to set up an advanced search page in your web-application using EqMvcDemoDB project as a template.

Custom client-side dialogs


Users who use some other dialogs libary usually want to replace those default dialogs with their own. We are going to replace those default dialogs with nice HTML dialogs made with JQuery UI dialogs library. The approach we will use is quite simple: our AdvancedSearchView JavaScript class has several methods which can be "overriden" to replace the default behavior with your own implemenation of those dialogs. In case of using JQuery dialogs we need to define some placeholders (read div elements) on our page where our new dialogs will be rendered. Here is an example: NB: Please note that this step is specific for JQuery dialogs.

Version 5.3 + EasyQuery.JS 6.0 release notes


The biggest change in this release is a new major update (version 6.0) of JavaScript library (EasyQuery.JS) used with ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core editions of EasyQuery. Version 5.3 of EasyQuery contains rather small improvements in the core libraries and all .NET editions. Community edition packages include @easyquery/core , @easyquery/ui . All license owners of EasyQuery for ASP.NET or EasyQuery for ASP.NET Core automatically got a license for EasyQuery.JS as well. to set your key, now for ASP.NET Core edition it will be Respectively, you should use Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet...

Getting started for EasyQuery ASP.NET MVC


This article will guide you through all steps necessary to apply EasyQuery ASP.NET to MVC web application

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

JavaScript widgets formats and settings (MVC version)


In this article, we describe the most common unique settings for EasyQuery JavaScript widgets and give examples of code.

Upgrading to 5.x: ASP.NET (MVC and WebForms) projects


This tutorial describes how to upgrde your old ASP.NET MVC project with EasyQuery 3.x to EasyQuery version 5.2.0 (or higher). 1.2 Use NuGet Package Manager to install the following packages: Korzh.EasyQuery.AspNet4 Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFramewok6 - if you are using Entity Framework 6.x Korzh.EasyQuery.DataExport - if you will need the data exporting functions Korzh.EasyQuery.MsSqlGate (or .MySqlGate or .OdbcGate depending on your DB) - if you need to load your model directly from DB connection. Finally, we need to make some modifications on our pages where we use EasyQuery scripts. Version 5.2.0 and higher of EasyQuery scripts will not need JQuery anymore, so you will be able to throw them away if they are not used in your own pages. Here is an example for "advanced search" view: To update your Web Forms page your will need to do the following 3 steps: Add EasyQuery scripts and styles on your page.