20 results for "$s/$s/$s/$s/@tag:adhoc-reporting"

Adhoc reporting page in your web application


This article describes how to implement the adhoc reporting functionality (similar to the one from our live demos) in your own project.

Version 5.0 release notes


Version 5.0 is a completely rewritten major update of EasyQuery which now can be used in any ASP.NET Core (version 2.0 and higher) project and with almost any frontend platform (MVC, Razor pages, Angular, React, Vue, etc). There are a lot of changes both on the server-side part and in the client-side library (EasyQuery.JS). Below we will describe the most important ones: Core library

Copying the EasyQuery's code from a sample to your project


If you have already modified one of our sample projects to make it work with your DB, the next step will be to copy the EasyQuery's code to your own solution. This article describes how to do it.

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

DbExprTag class


Contains several constants for db-related expressions tags values

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

ExprTag class


Contains several constant definitions for expressions tag

Getting started for ASP.NET Core + MVC or Razor pages


How to use install EasyQuery to your ASP.NET Core project with Razor Pages or MVC.

Pages class


Contains the settings for the default pages from EasyQuery Razor UI library

Pages class


Contains the settings for the default pages from EasyQuery Razor UI library