
ChartJsChartProvider class

Chart provider for ChartJS library.

GoogleChartProvider class

Chart provider for Google Charts.

AdvancedSearchView class

The EasyQuery client-side view that represents the UI for advanced search page

DataFilterView class

The EasyQuery client-side view that represents the UI for data filtering page

ReportView class

The EasyQuery client-side view that represents the UI for ad-hoc reporting page

EasyChartWidget class

The widget responsed for rendering EasyChart

EntitiesPanel class

The entities panel wiget, implemented without JQuery. NOT finished yet.

EqResultGrid class

The widget responsed for rendering GRID.

EqHtmlGrid class

The widget responsed for rendering html grid.

Grid class

Base class for GRID.

HtmlContentWidget class

The widget responsed for rendering html content

ProcessWidget class

The widget responsed for rendering process bar.

StatementPanel class

The widget responsed for rendering statement. Usually used for showing EQ functionality.